Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Mr Foggerty was agreeably surprised , but when Nutty reminded him of the standard required , he relapsed into grim gloom and stood on the side of the bath in his white T-shirt and jeans looking at his watch and saying , ‘ I ca n't spare the time to do this three nights a week for the next year , which is what is required .
2 I wo n't do defended cases because I ca n't spare the time , not because I do n't feel competent .
3 Eventually she would train them to produce the kinds of designs she favoured , but for the moment , until she had her first collection down on paper , quite frankly she could n't spare the time .
4 He says that the children are responding to a need in themselves , and believes that many adults do n't make the time to slow down and think about what they really need .
5 If you do n't make the time for training due to the work , pressures or deadlines or backlogs , and if you 're not training others they make mistakes do n't they ?
6 Cos they do n't want the time , they do n't want two hours dragging about on their legs .
7 You must n't think every time you 're tired or ca n't sleep that it 's this thing starting up again .
8 In Britain I do n't think the time is right for it .
9 That 's why I do n't need the time off . ’
10 When you ca n't do the time , do n't do the crime turn to criminology you must be prepared to accept the punishment when they get caught
11 In the old films erm the saying was from one conduct to another , ‘ Do n't do the crime if you ca n't do the time . ’
12 The date is on the twenty eighth of March and the location will be at Hall and it will be it does n't give a time but it will be an evening meeting .
13 Erm well coal er is quite a dirty fuel when it 's burnt erm D Didcot power station er this is the sort of pollution you get from Didcot power station , it does n't give the time on there er you might be surprised to , to realize that 's actually er per day erm that 's the amount of pollution you get per day from a large coalfired power station .
14 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
15 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
16 And I ca n't remember a time when he said , ‘ Do n't play that ; play this . ’
17 Looking back , I ca n't remember a time when I did n't love you .
18 They could n't remember a time when they had been without it .
19 He could n't remember a time when going to bed with a woman had n't dulled his interest , acting almost inevitably as a cure for his fascination .
20 ‘ It 's what I 've wanted to do for a long time , so long that I ca n't remember a time when the name Tony Radcliffe did n't send me into a violent rage ! ’
21 Most of you wo n't remember the time , and I certainly do n't , some of you will , you 'll be familiar with the er , healing accounts , seeing pictures on , er either in magazines or on the television news , in in old news reels , of that time when Neville Chamberlain stepped out of an aeroplane , and he 's just been to Germany and , and had a meeting with Hitler .
22 Do n't spend the time .
23 Yeah that 's right no reflection on you it 's just that I 'm thinking oh I ca I just ca n't see the time when I would ever drive through a gap like that that confidently that 's all .
24 That 's the trouble with though she did n't stop every time to get ready for the next scene .
25 Mortimer had emptied his Browning by now , and could n't risk the time to reload .
26 We do n't have a Time Out in New York because
27 ‘ I 'd love to but I 'm afraid I just do n't have the time .
28 The groundmass crystals form when the lava cools on reaching the surface , so the individual crystals are tiny , simply because they do n't have the time to grow any larger in the relatively short period that the flow takes to cool .
29 But I did n't have the time to do anything except prepare for the election during that year . ’
30 We did n't have the time or energy to pay much attention to the other theatres of war , unless we had someone out there .
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