Example sentences of "n't [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have experience of this class of case over a period of more than fifty years and it has n't been uncommon in the past even in the days when judges took a more rigorous view than they cline er inclined to do nowadays not to punish er in any with a custodial
2 Mr Hogan has n't been used to driving in the city traffic of recent years , and I had planned to go to Dublin to collect the samples of material .
3 and wild beyond er , that one boy who was and had n't been used to that sort of thing , for his father had kept a small cook stock his companion that unless he has another basin of gruel he was afraid he might , he might some night happen to eat , eat the boy he slept next to , who happened to be a weakly youth of tender eight and they , and they impeccably believed him .
4 Roy , who was about four and had n't been used to drinking out of a glass , took a bite at his and broke a chunk out of it .
5 Now in fact what that means for me is that actually we 're all programmers — we always have been — but we have n't been used to explaining it in quite the way that computers need us to explain it , and of course that goes back to this question of understanding English that we were talking about last time .
6 it would n't of been put in if it had n't been accurate at the time
7 Too many people are able to , and do say , ‘ I have n't been involved with TOP at all ’ .
8 I had n't been involved in the organization and knew very little about what was going to happen .
9 Totally negative approach , of course if you start to do a programme which we have n't been involved in some mistakes will be made but we should be positive and look forward to see how we can avoid the mistake we 've been making in the future .
10 But this kind of razamatazz has n't been necessary for the XJ220 .
11 The Macari honeymoon period is in full swing and there 's a determination and self-belief about the players which has n't been visible for some time .
12 So he had n't been sure of her after all …
13 He was quiet , waiting for Shelley to talk , and she began to feel sorry because she had n't been impressed by his offer of a swish night out .
14 Maybe she had achieved her present position because she was a woman breaking into a man 's world , but she would n't have survived or been so successful if she had n't been good at her job .
15 You know , it has n't been easy since — since Alison .
16 It had n't been easy at first ; he was n't her father and all she remembered of her own father was blows and shouting .
17 Things have n't been easy for Nora since your father died . ’
18 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
19 ‘ These last two days have n't been easy for me . ’
20 Life has n't been easy for Patsy McGowan 's troops of late .
21 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
22 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
23 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
24 Mrs Margaret Jones : ‘ David arrived home carrying the statuette that he 'd won at the song contest that he 'd been to with Ken Pitt and dashed straight upstairs to see his father who had n't been well for a number of days .
25 She had guessed that the reason was something to do with Jennifer for she had known that her sister had n't been well for some while and had been undergoing tests since experiencing stabbing pain in her right eye and numbness in her legs .
26 heads of each participating school and will undoubtedly bring out the best in the youngsters , stimulating the competitive instincts in a way that perhaps has n't been available to schoolchildren in the past .
27 He brings to football a dimension which has n't been present since the days of the great wingers .
28 Charlie had stopped by to speak to Josie as he 'd said he would , but Lucy had n't been present at the time .
29 She had n't been strong on words .
30 If you had n't been consistent in laying them out like this , then you ca n't so quite confidently go round , go round erasing large chunks of the spreadsheet .
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