Example sentences of "n't [adv] know he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ His father do n't hardly know he 's born yet , ’ said Maxie scornfully .
2 I 'm with him more than anybody and I do n't really know him , except that you 're the only one he really cares for . ’
3 A good and kind man , whose reputation was only believed by the people who did n't really know him .
4 I rang Bunny because he too had been at university with me , though , funnily enough , I did n't really know him until later .
5 No I do n't really know him outside of work to be honest
6 I did n't really know him — my main memory is of going with him and Joan and Kathleen ( she was enormously proud of him and I was quite ready to do a spot of hero-worshipping ) for a walk in Cardington meadows .
7 I do n't , I du n no cos I do n't really know her , I do n't really know her and all this , I was gon na say something , but I do n't really know him , so I was gon na ask him does he fancy Sukey
8 cos I did n't really know him before
9 It seemed that he had undeservedly passed an examination which he had n't even known he was taking .
10 ‘ I did n't even know him all that well . ’
11 ‘ I do ; I do n't even know him . ’
12 I did n't even know he still had my address , it all happened years before , we barely even had an affair .
13 I bet he does n't even know he 's doing it !
14 She did n't even know he was there now .
15 He should have let him through but Steve did n't even know he was there .
16 ‘ I did n't even know he had one .
17 ‘ I do n't even know he was trying to break in , ’ I added lamely .
18 I did n't even know he had any — ’
19 the children did n't even know he was talking to them .
20 You do n't even know he 's there .
21 I did n't even know he 'd left a
22 Although Colin , Colin rang last night , I did n't even know he 'd been !
23 He does n't even know he 's got them !
24 I do n't know , I did n't even know he was coming down .
25 But that I mean we did n't even know he was coming , father rang up on erm
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