Example sentences of "n't [verb] that he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had n't heard that he did , ’ Trent said .
2 I do n't think that he ever imagined I would take up running so seriously .
3 I do n't bother Frank , and I do n't think that he should bother me .
4 ‘ Academically there was n't anything to shout from the ceilings , in fact I do n't think that he found the work easy , but there was a dedication there that some of his contemporaries of the same ability could have used .
5 The Marshal could recall no hard and fast rule about it but he could n't think that he had ever seen the pipers during Lent .
6 And yet he does n't think that he is quick enough : ‘ I used to compete in athletics but I do n't see myself as being all that quick and I intend to work hard on improving my speed .
7 Look at all these people , taking and taking though Jim had said proudly last night that now he would contribute properly ; he would pay his way , Alice need n't think that he would n't .
8 But he did n't think that he would .
9 I do n't think that he could look after other countries , although the same sort of precedent could no doubt apply for example , the former French prime minister , there 's probably quite a few of them around , could be found to go
10 ‘ You would n't think that he was like that , ’ Stok said .
11 I do n't think that he would get us too far in those questions .
12 I mean I do n't think that he should be castigated for not having women just because he has n't got a woman .
13 But I do n't think that he himself would see it as a failure at all .
14 Personally , I do n't think that he ever did .
15 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
16 She did n't doubt that he would find her .
17 I did n't blame him , and I did n't doubt that he was also worried about me .
18 ‘ I do n't know that he wanted it .
19 But I did n't know that he was , well , a wimp . ’
20 ‘ The same , although I do n't know that he 'd care for the description . ’
21 ‘ They did n't know that he could n't have drawn a proper furrow let alone a real good 'un if he had n't got his owd pipe a-drawin' in his mouth !
22 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
23 When he performed the audience did n't know that he was an illusionist and therefore there was n't the anticipation or applause ; it was also easier .
24 He 's looking resplendent , you did n't know that he has a breastplate of medals , did you ?
25 ‘ I do n't know that he will : but he was in High Places at the right times so it 's worth trying the Good Old Times routine … ’
26 ‘ They wo n't know that he 's a police official . ’
27 ‘ He does n't know , you know — Miguelito does n't know that he 's going to be unmasked tonight .
28 He does n't know that he 's done quite well in the tests .
29 But , I do n't know that he does now .
30 No , but eh , another word that was I 've heard used , and it was , actually it was quite annoying because the chap used it , used it wrongly , but I did n't know that he 'd used it wrongly at the time .
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