Example sentences of "an [noun sg] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He would rather fight in the open than wait to murder the other when he falls asleep , but is so much the weaker that to fight without an advantage would amount to suicide .
2 Again , an election would decide the outcome , but a simple majority of those voting ( as opposed to those on the register ) was all that was required .
3 But , it also knew that no politician in the run-up to an election would allow himself to be associated in any way with organisations or groups tainted with crime or violence .
4 These inspections were at the ‘ invitation ’ of the university department , but failure to allow an inspection would result in a course not being approved .
5 Again , one needs their mind structure as well as the nasal physiology and brain organization , to know just how such an experience would feel .
6 Some might say , ‘ What 's in a name ? ’ but then I doubt an arsehole would smell so sweet .
7 She could not admit this , not even to herself , for such an admission would have pronounced her mad , but it lay there , subtly underlining her enjoyment .
8 On a smaller scale , the electrical forces that cause the electrons to orbit round the nucleus in an atom would behave in the same way as gravitational forces .
9 A forty hour week at £2.00 an hour would produce a weekly income of £80.00 which compares with an average weekly wage for full time female workers in 1987 of £148.00 .
10 Independent analysts have estimated that a minimum wage set at three pound forty an hour would add one point eight percent to the total labour costs in Britain .
11 In the wild , an owl would find shelter if it was too windy , closing itself up as tightly as possible .
12 An economist would frame this question in terms of a cost-benefit analysis : the maximisation of returns for the minimum amount of effort injected .
13 Sometimes these views are based on reasoning that an economist would judge fallacious .
14 An economist would say this is the market working : cheaper labour means more jobs .
15 For example in thinking about the consequences of a change taxes an economist would point to the relationship between price and quantity sold .
16 Perhaps this was better , to be free to see where they were going to take her , to follow them , to keep out of their hands and then perhaps an opportunity would come to do something .
17 He had no clear idea what he was going to do but expected a good gathering at Linley 's house and thought an opportunity would occur .
18 And then , soon , an ambulance would come .
19 and an ambulance would have struggled
20 An exporter would approach the UK bank concerned for details and then apply to have their contracts financed through the line of credit .
21 A Soviet Foreign Ministry statement of Nov. 30 said that such an action would set a " dangerous international precedent " .
22 It would be relatively easy to download catalogue records from a broadband system like JANET , but such an action would negate the possibility of our institutions receiving income from the transactions .
23 Irvine has argued that the opening of this entry channel may also require InsP 4 and that such an action would explain those instances where both inositol phosphates are required .
24 For , so he elaborately argues , one can not , if one really thinks it through , accept the total set of prescriptions implied by any universal ethical rules except those which attach weight , in proportion to their strength , to the desirability of satisfying the desires which everyone affected by an action would have if they possessed proper prudence .
25 Such an action would have been expected to lower the cyclic AMP content irrespective of the agonist used to stimulate the cells .
26 A suggested reason for this decision is that to grant an action would have subverted the common law negligence action which lay in these circumstances .
27 That way , a business man making an investment would know that he would get his money back within four years .
28 These might include the character and needs of an area , but could not encapsulate the terms on which an applicant would conduct his business if those terms did not affect his fitness to hold the licence .
29 Given that such an employee would face dismissal if that were proven , a company should face no less than severe curtailment of its operations across the North sea .
30 Apart from this statutory function , such an Association would need to be largely self-financing , which implies a structured system of membership subscriptions .
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