Example sentences of "an [noun sg] and [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 They would have therefore had an advantage and would have tended to replace the original macro-molecules .
2 Yes , yes er whereas if there were independent trustees responsible to the regulator and they were properly trained , they would I suggest be able to smell out very quickly an malpractice and would have a group straight to the regulator , if only to call a stop for someone to have a look at it .
3 ‘ I would go down to the beach around 7am for an hour and would not have used a proper skin care procedure .
4 A session lasts about an hour and could cost anything from £15 to £30 depending on where you are in the country .
5 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
6 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
7 His reply is that we have no idea of material substance because matter is an impossibility and could not exist ; whereas , though we can have no sensory idea of spiritual substance , minds are not an impossibility and could exist .
8 His reply is that we have no idea of material substance because matter is an impossibility and could not exist ; whereas , though we can have no sensory idea of spiritual substance , minds are not an impossibility and could exist .
9 This is a hallowed statement signifying that the terms set out are nothing more than an intention and will not become binding on any party until a formal contract has been negotiated , executed and exchanged .
10 Philip thought that maybe Mrs Wright 's friend was an invalid and could n't come to the door to open it .
11 In many respects the significance of the physical form of a program , whether hard-wired on a silicon chip or stored on magnetic disks , is an irrelevance and should not affect patentability .
12 The use of visual aids can be helpful to your talk but they are an aid and should not substitute for what you intend to say .
13 Some parents do not like disagreeing in front of an outsider and may need permission to do this .
14 Ernst & Young stress , as did Price Waterhouse , that ‘ it should be recognised that our review did not constitute an audit and may not have revealed all material facts ’ .
15 From Dundonnell a cart track leads up from the road to the plateau of An Teallach and can be followed until the twin peaks of Beinn Dearg come into sight .
16 Any market may claim to be an exchange and may provide some or all of the key features of an RIE such as liquidity or transparency .
17 The count puffed out smoke through his long holder as we shook hands , and then Paula Reece asked him , ‘ Vrin , be an angel and let's have a little piano music . ’
18 It is often possible , then , to understand and so overcome spelling errors , once you understand why you are making an error and can work out a way of reminding yourself of the correct form .
19 Jones may be an idealist and will probably face a rude awakening when confronted with the realities of the economy and the hidebound attitudes of a bureaucracy that is watching his advent with some trepidation .
20 All being well , it will now go on to become an infant and will be born around 40 weeks after conception takes place .
21 The Headteacher at Headlands School says he 's conducting an investigation and wo n't comment until it 's complete .
22 The Civil Aviation Authority has launched an investigation and will look at the pilots reports .
23 Deano looses an opponent and will maybe look even more out-of-it tomorrow .
24 But if someone had had an accident and could not work , his shaikh consulted other elderly men before making a levy , or before drawing on the lineage bank account .
25 Roderick 's interests were wide ; for example sport ( cricket , tennis and football — both varieties ) , good music ( he played the violin ) , verse ( he read extensively and composed , when inspired or provoked , to match an occasion and could recite extensively from memory — particularly W. S. Gilbert ) , games and puzzles ( chess , cribbage , mathematical conundrums and crosswords ; he could , at his zenith , do The Times Crossword any day in less than twenty minutes ) , and art ( he was an active member of The Bristol Savages ) .
26 Any system that costs the British taxpayer more than £2.5 billion , only half of which reaches farmers , is an absurdity and must be abolished .
27 Although many patients are quite fit when admitted to the ward , they will become completely dependent when they have an anaesthetic and may only slowly return to independence after a surgical procedure .
28 Newspaper publicity always gave the impression that the school could train anyone from scratch with little or no dance experience so young readers felt that they could just turn up without an appointment and would immediately be seen by this apparently motherly woman called Jennie Tiller .
29 Alison had rung to say that she was coming up to London for an appointment and could they lunch at a restaurant to which they had both occasionally gone when working at Brentwoods , if they happened to be feeling affluent .
30 Out-patients visit with or without an appointment and can telephone if they have problems .
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