Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I felt a thump on my back and an instant later found myself propelled along the winding lane at close to racing speed , courtesy of Steve , fourth member of the Peugeot team out for a training run .
2 Satellites for broadcasting TV will enter an orbit already crowded with about 150 communications vehicles , mainly for carrying telephone calls and streams of data .
3 Yeah , he did n't wan na be an admiral anyway did he ?
4 ‘ I just filled the silly thing out so there would be something in the files , and they could prove employment in case an auditor ever came in , ’ Mandy had said petulantly .
5 I passed out , but an hour later lurched downstairs into the hall .
6 What would Miss Henry say if she could see her now — Miss Henry , who only an hour ago had been exhorting her to cultivate dignity and repose !
7 I have no later than half an hour ago contacted my office and there has been no official communication re any decision being made on the royal dockyard and the capacity none whatsoever .
8 And was to remain so — if truth is to be told — until the early dawn of the following day when Morse left her to walk slowly to his bachelor flat — only a short distance away up the Banbury Road — bareheaded in the beating rain which an hour since had obliquely streaked the windows of Sheila Williams 's front bedroom .
9 A gilt-framed portrait of a venerable-looking mandarin attired in court robes occupied the place of honour on the highest level of the altar , and as the light began to fade , the wizened Annamese to whom Senator Sherman had spoken an hour earlier entered the room and bowed solemnly before it .
10 Saw faces that half an hour before had been puffed up with their own infallibility deflated by doubt .
11 " Psychiatrist once a week for half an hour never did any good to anyone .
12 Then an owl suddenly hooted nearby , making her jump , and she hastily decided she had done enough for one evening .
13 An opportunity soon arose to broach the question of Herr Beethoven 's new opera .
14 Such an equation totally misconceived the relationship and was ultimately detrimental to both parties .
15 With a career as an actress already established it was the success of Lynda La Plante 's 12 part series for Euston Films , WIDOWS , ( 1982 ) , which enabled her to concentrate full time on writing .
16 ITN 's secret weapon was much more advanced , an experiment never tried before : it was a computer simulation of the chamber of the House of Commons , with John Suchet walking around inside it .
17 For Jesus to perform an act long prophesied and expected of the rightful Messiah certainly reflects no diffidence on his part .
18 Such an attitude merely confirmed Frederick 's worst prejudices against the Poles .
19 In April of 1990 , George Bush conferred upon the brave Airbus-slaying Captain Will Rogers the Legion of Merit , an honour also bestowed upon the officer abroad the Vincennes responsible for anti-aircraft warfare .
20 As with the hobbit-songs , behind all these there lies some story of a Sentence and a Great Escape , but an escape forever hindered by loving involvement with Middle-earth itself ; that is the root of the disagreement between Fangorn , Celeborn and Galadriel when the Ent half-voices his lament for the stocks and the stones .
21 These amines are metabolized by an enzyme now named monoamine oxidase .
22 An inquiry yesterday found Margaret Grieveson guilty of professional misjudgement .
23 After five days , an ERCP elsewhere showed bile leakage from the cystic duct stump and a small endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed , followed by stent insertion .
24 An Angster recently asked why the music press devotes so much attention to US bands .
25 An editorial recently went so far as to say that more important than establishing a framework for research and development was doing something about the failure to disseminate and apply existing knowledge .
26 one of Mrs Tibbs 's boarders , ‘ an Irishman recently imported ’ who was ‘ in a perfectly wild state ; and had come over to England to be an apothecary , a clerk in a government office , an actor , a reporter , or anything else that turned up — he was not particular ’ .
27 The court heard that Wells allegedly plunged a knife into Mr McGuire 's neck , severing an artery then left him to die .
28 On Aug. 6 an explosion completely destroyed the Israel Military Industries munitions plant at Nof Yan , north of Tel Aviv .
29 An aquarium only became necessary when I could not put a name to even some of the commoner intertidal fish , in the short time that the tide was out .
30 Applied to the artists showing at Brussels , the term could have no very definite meaning , and Apollinaire found it hard to identify many specific characteristics shared by the painters , or even to distinguish Cubism from Fauvism : ‘ One feature unites them , for if the principal merit of the painters who have been called the Fauves was the return to fundamental principles as far as colour and composition are concerned , the Cubists , in order to extend yet further the province of an art thus renewed , have sought to return to basic principles of drawing and inspiration .
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