Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Consumer ministers decided experiments must stop from 1998 , but firms can ignore the ruling if it gives rivals an advantage over them .
2 Is it not a considerable tribute to our diplomacy that we were able to persuade our Community partners to allow us to gain an advantage over them ?
3 The people who 've been going through the induction courses though for the last six months or so , they 're probably up , more able to speak to it , and you 're going to be better off actually than the , the old boys if you like and girls , because it 's going to be old dogs , new tricks , but as you wo n't know any different and you do this , then you 'll have an advantage over them .
4 And I ca n't , of myself , even produce the faith for it , otherwise , you might have an advantage over me .
5 The simple fact that he was in her husband 's employ gave her an advantage over him .
6 However , because of the way it relates in this work , they are only fifty percent present in my sibling , so any sacrifice of gene me er , it 's not my actual inquest for your finding of the problems , the reason is , this is something we did last term in , in penaltriusm theory , so the others have got an advantage over you , they 've already done it this time .
7 But , Fisher suggested , if distasteful prey live in family groups , the predator can learn to avoid the distasteful families , thereby conferring an advantage on them .
8 It 's such an advantage to them later on I think .
9 But an advantage to them !
10 Finally , again as mentioned above , a lessee sometimes holds a share in the management company responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds , which is an advantage to him or her in giving him or her a say in these important matters .
11 It does not amount to an argument that staff should be conducting research as such ; merely that if they are engaged in it , there is an advantage to it being undertaken with an eye to their teaching commitments .
12 Lord Vestey , Chairman of Cheltenham Racecourse , says it 's an advantage to us becasue we 're used to holding three day meetings .
13 If that 's something you want us to is it something you would that be an advantage to you .
14 Cos that is an advantage of it .
15 I have many reasons for visiting Van Diemens Land first — the climate is more like that of England and many of the Birds , I believe only pigeons may visit that island from the Continent , many are local species and others so nearly allied that [ only ] an inspection of them in a state of nature is possible to ascertain their being specifically different .
16 Light can be thrown on the administrative efficiency of this Commissariat ( Narkomzem ) by looking into the account of an inspection of it in early 1922 .
17 Whatever Paula did , however mean and underhand , however selfish , in the end Sally would find an excuse for her .
18 There will no doubt be an excuse for them to drink vodka together again soon .
19 Although the Unix International/OSF wars seem to have abated at the moment , ‘ there is always an excuse for them to rip each others hearts out , leaving Bill Gates to have the market , ’ says Rothstein .
20 you know , below the shadow of both the next two properties , we shall , we shall , you know , just have a brick wall , and if they they just shifted the garage to one end and as far as I 'm concerned it 's an excuse for them to put up the power , that is ,
21 This is just an excuse for him to walk
22 LADY DAVERS : Creature , art thou to beg an excuse for me ?
23 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
24 ‘ Ca n't you find an excuse for us to be alone together , Harry ? ’ she asked .
25 Some alliances between , say , a Fenwick of Tynedale and a Croser of Teviotdale might ensure a lull in raiding and cattle thieving for a while , though there was usually an excuse for it to be resumed at fairly short notice .
26 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
27 Unfortunately over the years there was such a deficit for whatever reason lot 's of things were tried it was then decided that it was two options one was closing lose so much money or actually put it out to franchise fortunately enough that people were at all the money and we did n't get an income from it .
28 All you 're looking at is for an income , an income from it and er I reckon can do very well .
29 I have an allergy to them .
30 At this time certain information is usually recorded to ensure the patient is fit for surgery and also to avoid potential complications , e.g. a specimen of urine is tested to ensure that diabetes mellitus does not go undiagnosed ; allergies are checked to ensure that drugs , anaesthetic agents , lotions or dressings can be avoided if a patient has an allergy to them .
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