Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hincmar of Rheims wrote to give orders to a neighbouring count who just happened to be his kinsman : it is not hard to see how an archbishop might refer to the local counts collectively as " his " , or the draftsman of a capitulary write in general terms of " archbishops and their counts " .
2 He would rather fight in the open than wait to murder the other when he falls asleep , but is so much the weaker that to fight without an advantage would amount to suicide .
3 ( 10 ) An election shall cancel any parliamentary candidature .
4 Again , an election would decide the outcome , but a simple majority of those voting ( as opposed to those on the register ) was all that was required .
5 But , it also knew that no politician in the run-up to an election would allow himself to be associated in any way with organisations or groups tainted with crime or violence .
6 Some time in the first six months of next year , an election must take place .
7 Of course , continuous and insatiable demand for ‘ immediate ’ opinion-poll results in the run-up to an election can lead only to inadequate , inaccurate and misleading data .
8 It also excluded the cost of elections , for these were a financial problem for the candidate , not for the local association ; in a large county division an election could cost as much as £2,000 , and even an unopposed return in a borough would cost a few hundred pounds to the lucky winner .
9 An election could come at any time , and policies across the board were being honed in readiness .
10 Broadly speaking , expansionary monetary and fiscal policies before an election will lower rates of interest and levels of unemployment while raising national income .
11 An acquirer should concentrate on the discounted value of the acquired bank 's cash flow .
12 It has power to request further information from the parties and to inspect documents at the parties ' premises and failure by the parties to provide the information required or to co-operate in an inspection may cause the four month period to be extended .
13 These inspections were at the ‘ invitation ’ of the university department , but failure to allow an inspection would result in a course not being approved .
14 As we shall see later the basic premise underlying an inspection will vary with the circumstances of the inspectors .
15 The oxygen consumption of an insect may rise a hundredfold when flight begins and if it is to continue for long periods a reserve of oxidizable respiratory material is needed .
16 Thus it can not be expected that a consideration of the species present in an assemblage will identify the predator responsible for bringing it together even for large sample sizes ( Mason & Macdonald , 1980 ) .
17 In the previous chapter , some conditions that an hypothesis should satisfy in order to be worthy of a scientist 's consideration were mentioned .
18 An earnout may enable the purchaser to bridge the gap between both parties ' price expectations , with the assurance that a higher price will only be paid if projections are achieved .
19 An earnout may help to continue to motivate the vendors and secure their services even after they have received the initial consideration .
20 An earnout will provide a purchaser with a cash flow advantage in not having to pay the extra consideration upfront .
21 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
22 Third , an assessment should identify those areas of language and communication in which the child has relative strengths .
23 However , to suggest to a parent that an assessment should start at the same point in time as the children are prepared for removal to a long-term placement , does not enable an open and honest working relationship .
24 After teaching a unit an assessment should take place .
25 Bachrach and Baratz argue that pluralists ignore or neglect that ‘ face of power ’ which consists in confining the scope of decision-making to safe issues ; they go on to make the less convincing point that an elite may exist without actually being aware of its own dominance since this may never have been challenged .
26 ( 2 ) The adequacy of pension funding Whether or not an insurer will wish to exclude warranties relating to funding adequacy will depend on whether a recent valuation is available from the managers of the fund and whether the vendor can claim against the valuation if the funding is shown subsequently to be inadequate .
27 These set the minimum amount of capital ( free assets , or the amount by which an insurers ' assets exceed the actuarial calculation of its liabilities ) that an insurer must have to reassure customers and regulators that it can meet its liabilities .
28 Again , one needs their mind structure as well as the nasal physiology and brain organization , to know just how such an experience would feel .
29 Such an experience may encourage the doctor in question to attend a course in homoeopathy to see if it deserves further study .
30 This makes one quite comfortable with the fact that those who have never had such an experience will doubt its very existence and possibly even the sanity of those who experience it .
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