Example sentences of "an [adj] year [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The building of a replacement for this historic one hundred and fourteen year old hospital is part of an eight year grand plan which will also see the upgrading and expansion of the Western General and St Johns Hospital in Livingston .
2 An eight year old , if I ruled the world , if I was in charge this is how I would organize things and then and I believe , what I believe in .
3 I myself my previous have had this case er where an eight year old wanted baptise and in the event the parent was prepared , though not herself a member of the church , to take the promises .
4 The Sun newspaper was offering to fund a private prosecution against a doctor whom it believed to be guilty of raping an eight year old girl .
5 And what will you tell an eight year old ?
6 Er the judge who said an eight year old sex victim was no angel , you remember the one of course , yesterday freed two men who had intercourse with a thirteen year old .
7 The seventy one year old judge caused uproar in June when he said an eight year old victim of a sex attack was not entirely an angel herself .
8 Elvis , an eight year old , entered the waste ground by a hole in the fence to explore .
9 Dick , an eight year old boy , entered the park through a hole in the fence , after the park had closed .
10 The health of an eight year old diabetic child must , for example , be judged by reference to the standard one might reasonably expect of a child of that age with diabetes and not a healthy eight year old .
11 Ragtime Blues , an eight year old mare , was attacked in her field .
12 It 's been revealed that a prostitute who was found murdered was responsible for an eight year old boy dying of a drugs overdose .
13 And he points out that on the day in question , there were several serious emergencies , including the case of an eight year old boy who died .
14 A packet of Jaw Breakers cost 15 pence for four.But they could have cost an eight year old boy his life .
15 was an eight year old caravan they bought
16 Plus the fact their bookings would n't be as much as yours if it 's an eight year old caravan .
17 A boy 's black jacket , size thirty for an eight year old , how much ?
18 for that boy 's black jacket , for an eight year old , size thirty , for a fiver , it 's at Baseford , Nottingham , call us on if you want that .
19 Doreen Ditchburn , an eighty-three year old widow , was walking home when she was robbed by two attackers and pushed to the ground , breaking her leg .
20 An eleven year old boy has been held at gunpoint by armed raiders and forced to lead them to money and jewellery at his family home .
21 You see I am , you can see what I 'm suggesting to you , there 's not much point in an armed officer guarding an eleven year old child it would have been obvious to go to the master bedroom , but you deny it .
22 Right , the reason that er an officer would still stay er with an eleven year old child , a three year old child , or t to get to the realms of fantasy a ninety year old person is that person can still be at risk not necessarily from the police officers , but from anybody else in that building and therefore they 've got to remain er in that room until such time as I 'm satisfied that everything is clear .
23 He could n't find an eleven year old kid to do it .
24 Y all you need is an eleven year old kid , you ca n't do it can you .
25 An eleven year old girl has witnessed her two brothers , who were Roman Catholics , being shot dead in their home by terrorists in Northern Ireland .
26 An eleven year old boy who 's committed a string of motoring offences has been sent to a children 's centre two hundred miles from his home , because he keeps absconding .
27 An eleven year old girl has been raped as she walked to school .
28 An eleven year old girl has been raped as she walked to school .
29 Thousands of children are being warned not to go out alone after an eleven year old girl was raped as she walked to school .
30 Police are questioning a sixteen year old youth tonight about the rape of an eleven year old girl in Milton Keynes .
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