Example sentences of "an [adj] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 Administration of bFGF ( 3–300 µg/kg/day ) by an intragastric or an intraperitoneal route or sucralfate ( 400 mg/kg/day ) orally to rats with acetic acid induced gastric ulcers , enhanced the healing rate of these ulcers during seven day treatment in a dose dependent manner .
2 We believe that the migration rates that should be used should be a three year average rather than an eight or a ten year average .
3 You had a choice of an eight or a three I had two jacks and a king you chose the three , the two turned up that would 've given you eight and a but you picked the three so that 'll give you more in the box as well an three hit your three hit your hand as well so
4 The second dimension used three variables : whether the state is unitary and centralized or federal and dispersed ; whether the legislature has one or two ( strong ) chambers ; and whether there is an unwritten or a written , rigid constitution .
5 In judging this record there has been a strong tendency among commentators , from either an economic or a political viewpoint , to award the Labour government good marks for achievement [ Morgan , 1984 ; Cairncross , 1985 ] .
6 A book is allocated to an individual or a project leader for team use .
7 The effect of both these procedures is that the defaulting party has 21 days in which to make the payment , following which the party making the demand can present a bankruptcy petition against an individual or a winding-up petition against a company .
8 This is not to deny that cliques and ‘ school gate agitators ’ sometimes operate with the sole intention of fermenting a campaign aimed at causing damage to the reputation of an individual or the school .
9 What is less controversial is the central function of an individual or the concept called the self .
10 If an individual or the members of a firm may sue for a libel imputing to them insolvency , because of the damage which such a libel is calculated to do them in relation to their business , could it possibly be maintained that a trading corporation could not sue for a like libel ? …
11 Meiklejohn says , " Every adjective is either an explicit or an implicit predicate " , the former corresponding in his book to appearance in predicative position and the latter to attributive use ; and he goes on to show , with examples , that he takes exactly the same view as is found later in accounts given within a Chomskyan framework .
12 There is evidence that some species of trichonemes may become resistant to benzimidazole compounds and to avoid this it is suggested that these should be alternated with chemically unrelated anthelmintics on an annual or a six-monthly basis .
13 The ownership of newspapers has rarely been seen as either an easy or a sure way of acquiring fortunes .
14 Oh , well , I say I 'm on early but I will be , I could be an early or a late .
15 We are clued into Artistic seriousness by an arabesque or a beaten jump , into Moral seriousness by a hungry contraction or protracted lift .
16 And then you 'll be able to work out a twentieth or an eighteenth or a fiftieth or a quarter .
17 my Lord my Lord I do n't understand what 's supposed to be meant by malign or bad , it 's concerned with appreciable and appreciable and er something which has an appreciable or a more audane minimize impact upon the competition if it arise erm here perhaps because it , it is er a question of fairness but not normally
18 The extent to which the exchange rate can contribute to the adjustment mechanism , in either an automatic or a discretionary manner , is influenced by the type of exchange rate system in operation .
19 These arguments can then be tested by studies in the field of either an observational or an experimental nature .
20 The widely-held fears stem from the reasonable assumption that an independent or a devolved Scotland would be incapable of existing without considerable handouts from Whitehall and would have an administration with more than a left-wing tinge .
21 This fury can look like an onanistic or a solipsistic fury .
22 In practice , natural language indexing tends to rely upon the terms present in an abstract or the title of a document , although sometimes the full text of a document is used .
23 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
24 It may then be a momentary thought , a fleeting hope , the colouring of a feeling , the forming of an intention , a decision , a choice , a continuing sensation , an inactive or an active sensation ( pp. 221 f. ) , a persistent mood .
25 Analysis of ozone measurements for the 1970s , taken by 36 Dobson spectrophotometers throughout the world , reveal no evidence for either an upward or a downward trend , either on a global basis or on a regional basis ( Reinsel , 1981 ; Reinsel et al. , 1981 ) .
26 send a message by telephone which was of an indecent ( or an obscene or a menacing ) character or
27 ‘ send a message by telephone which was of an indecent ( or an obscene or a menacing ) character or ’ Telephone means the same public system as at the alternative point at 2 ante .
28 ‘ send a message by telephone which was of an indecent ( or an obscene or a menacing ) character , or ’ This point is proved as the last point with the recipient explaining the indecent , obscene or menacing nature of the call .
29 As he was not an insensitive or a brave man , the larger items in the national dailies frequently upset him and clouded his mind with vague anxieties .
30 The model including a recessive major locus gave a better fit than the model including an additive or a dominant locus , but the fit was not significantly better than for the multifactorial model with or without a generational difference .
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