Example sentences of "an [adj] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there is a big difference between controlling for a prior variable and finding that the original relationship disappears and controlling for an intervening one with a similar result .
2 As seen in the preceding chapter , the struggle between Jew and Arab for Palestine became largely an inter-statal one from 1945 onwards .
3 The problem is an acute one in the case of Britain , given the absence of any clear point of departure .
4 This was the question , an understandable one in the circumstances , that the garrison soon began to ask .
5 ‘ We believe we have done just that , and this team will go down as an outstanding one in any era .
6 The psychological structure for the talker requires , broadly speaking , two kinds of pretence : ( 1 ) an emotional one of having made a momentous decision and ( 2 ) a fictitious factual background .
7 If instead of going through life having shallow relationships , a man diligently makes each of his friendships an emotional one of real compassion and regard , life for him will be transformed .
8 Harries , already unsuccessful with two very kickable penalties , and replaced by Jones , who had landed an angled one from 28 yards , might have done rather more with the opportunity , but Newport scored straight afterwards .
9 Selina 's next move might have seemed an odd one for someone out to make a name for herself .
10 Well he had an old one on , he bought a new one on Friday .
11 caw caw caw That looks like an old one to me does n't it ?
12 ‘ It 's an old one of Sam 's . ’
13 At each end are two women : young one , lying on front and side , half-wrapped in her mantle as a blanket and beginning to pull it up on her shoulder as a dress while she lifts herself to look towards the centre ; and an old one with cropped hair , a slave , fully dressed , beginning to get to her knees .
14 Every man I have written about in this book , when he had made or married his fortune , built a new house or radically re-modelled an old one in the fashion of the moment .
15 Scott J pointed out that an implied obligation may involve different considerations from an express one in that an implied obligation will be unlimited in time .
16 Have you got a small bo , have you got an empty one of these ?
17 In particular the threat to switch contracts to alternative providers is an empty one for many health authorities .
18 The topic of cataloguing and catalogues may not be an exciting one to many of you , yet in the context of this seminar and the concerns of research library provision for the 1990s there is some special pleading to do on their behalf .
19 Despite the increasing sophistication of photography , war artists , painters and , occasionally sculptors , have a unique contribution to make and such an appointment is an enviable one for an artist who feels that the contemporary peacetime art scene limits his or her breadth of vision .
20 Despite the increasing sophistication of photography , war artists , painters and , occasionally sculptors , have a unique contribution to make and such an appointment is an enviable one for an artist who feels that the contemporary peacetime art scene limits his or her breadth of vision .
21 But it 's quite an interesting one to , to look at .
22 Erm an easier one in fact .
23 Expressed in developmental , rather than structural terms , one can describe the condition of the citizens of total welfare states as childlike , for not only are they likely to be regressed in developmental terms for the reasons already given , they are also childlike in relative terms to the state which has become a parent , and an omnipotent one at that .
24 Expressed in developmental , rather than structural terms , one can describe the condition of the citizens of total welfare states as childlike , for not only are they likely to be regressed in developmental terms for the reasons already given , they are also childlike in relative terms to the state which has become a parent , and an omnipotent one at that .
25 First , we can question whether the concept is an adequate one for distinguishing poetry from non-poetry .
26 An honest vote for Labour — or an evasive one for the Liberal Democrats , which will also help Mr Kinnock to Downing Street — signals a return to Britain 's long , tragic , doomed pursuit of a soft option .
27 He was confused ; arid that was another word , an unpleasant one in the ears of a man of seventy-five .
28 Official starter Ivor Robson seldom makes mistakes but had to admit to an enforced one in the first match when instructed to let Ian Woosnam take the honour with partner Nick Faldo , playing against Curtis Strange in the opening Foursomes .
29 The most that a strategy can realistically hope to win in an average one of its 1 5 pairings can not be much more than 600 points .
30 The most that a strategy can realistically hope to win in an average one of its 15 pairings can not be much more than 600 points .
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