Example sentences of "an [adj] [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 It was , incidentally , a journey of about 20 miles , and it is an interesting reflection on the times that no one saw any danger in an 11-year-old embarking on such a trip alone .
2 Mr Crump was , in fact , an extremely able , shrewd , exploitative and successful businessman and lawyer whose weaknesses were an over-fondness for his wife and an utter doting on their daughter .
3 On that , I think it is generally known , that we , that Telford was n't anywhere near the top of the list , and it had been taken purely on the question of the er , needs of the various areas , it 's unlikely that Telford would have succeeded , even with its reduced geographical area , but I made discrete enquiries and was told that the factor which tipped er , the Commission in favour of Telford , and this has an important bearing on what we 're going to discuss later , was the fact that Telford has been very good in taking up schemes and providing their section , and not just the Wreakin District Council , other area , other bodies in Telford , of getting good innovative schemes off the ground and providing the cash , they did n't , as some areas did , get the status , and then hardly do anything about it .
4 Butterfly Cooing Like a Dove ( Doubleday , £25 ) by Miriam Rothschild is a unique and uncategorisable delight , an autobiographical musing on the extraordinary appeal of these two winged creatures .
5 Apparent areas of convergence , such as an ostensible focusing on the ‘ welfare of the child ’ , should not be allowed to disguise what are regarded as real differences stemming from different psychological and political assumptions underlying the two positions .
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