Example sentences of "an [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 The pallium gave Hygeberht no jurisdiction in Saxon territories or in Kent but it did afford him metropolitan rights over all the Anglian peoples north of the Thames and south of the Humber , which may suggest that Offa was seeking not just an archbishop of the Mercians but a new ecclesiastical order for the Angles of midland and eastern England .
2 It is an embedding of the graph in the plane of the page .
3 It is an advantage of the analysis offered in the last chapter that it is capable of accounting for authority over a group on the basis of authority relations between individuals .
4 An advantage of the first point was that it allowed Galileo to say that the sacred scribes had intentionally refrained from imparting complex scientific knowledge , despite having it at their disposal .
5 An advantage of the modular form is the flexibility it gives to both staff and student in organising a suitable degree course .
6 Pawar called for an election of the parliamentary party leader by secret ballot .
7 Among their other responsibilities , Donne was steward of Kidwelly and an esquire of the king 's body ; Huntley was one of the duchy of Lancaster receivers in Wales ; and Milewater was receiver general of the duchy lands in south Wales and the march .
8 He was an esquire of the king 's body and had links with other lords in the north west and north Wales , including the Stanleys and Anthony earl Rivers , for whom he acted as deputy of Beaumaris .
9 There is no specific reference to his serving Gloucester until after the duke 's accession ( when he became an esquire of the body ) , but his brother John was given land by the duke , which implies a close connection .
10 Berkeley , an esquire of the body , was constable of Southampton itself .
11 He was one of Edward IV 's servants and went on to become an esquire of the body of Richard III , but he never regained office in Monmouth and deserted Richard before Bosworth .
12 Baynton was an esquire of the body by 1522 .
13 By 1482 he had become an esquire of the king 's body and was made captain and governor of Guernsey .
14 Among their other responsibilities , Donne was steward of Kidwelly and an esquire of the king 's body ; Huntley was one of the duchy of Lancaster receivers in Wales ; and Milewater was receiver general of the duchy lands in south Wales and the march .
15 He was an esquire of the king 's body and had links with other lords in the north west and north Wales , including the Stanleys and Anthony earl Rivers , for whom he acted as deputy of Beaumaris .
16 There is no specific reference to his serving Gloucester until after the duke 's accession ( when he became an esquire of the body ) , but his brother John was given land by the duke , which implies a close connection .
17 Berkeley , an esquire of the body , was constable of Southampton itself .
18 He was one of Edward IV 's servants and went on to become an esquire of the body of Richard III , but he never regained office in Monmouth and deserted Richard before Bosworth .
19 Another single-deficit interpretation of Broca 's aphasia is that it is a phonological deficit ( Kean , 1977 ) : an impairment of the aspects of the language-processing system that relate to phonology ( the sounds of words , as distinct from their meanings or spellings ) .
20 The fact that at any given moment only one producer is making a particular product is not by itself an impairment of the competitive process .
21 It is because , if mania represents an overcoming of the lost primal mother by means of triumphant substitution of the son for the mother , then megalomania represents , not only a denial of the passive love of the father ( I do not love him , I love myself ) , but also an unconscious identification and fusion with him ( it is in this sense that our manic autobiography above can claim that ‘ in a sense I am God ’ , etc . ) .
22 The flock has been closed to females since 1980 and the Martins still deliberate long and hard over future stock sire purchases , which usually involve an inspection of the sire and dam beforehand .
23 Fisons says that an inspection of the new site by the FDA has produced ‘ no adverse observations ’ .
24 ‘ We wish to make an inspection of the reef , Señor . ’
25 The Librarian invites an Inspection of the stock of works of History , Biography and Fiction , that are not included in this stock chiefly consists of books is available .
26 Tired legs , sore feet and shortage of time should not deter an inspection of the unusual sight at the rear of the now unoccupied farmhouse here : in the backyard , only a short way from the buildings , is the impressive entrance to Bruntscar Cave which penetrates half a mile under the hillside .
27 An inspection of the dogs then took place .
28 An inspection of the Models and the Testimonials of the most eminent of the Medical Profession of the country can not fail to produce a decided conviction in their superiority .
29 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
30 An inspection of the premises is carried out and a certificate is only issued where the local fire authority are satisfied that adequate precautions have been taken .
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