Example sentences of "we must [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On a far-flung front we must wage war .
2 So we are sorry that we must restrict admittance to handicapped persons able to walk .
3 The philosopher Francis Bacon and many of his contemporaries summed up the scientific attitude of the times when they insisted that if we want to understand nature we must consult nature and not the writings of Aristotle .
4 Last of all , we must mention orientation .
5 If universal education is a genuine ideal ; if , unlike the Greeks , we may claim to believe in such a thing as a democratic intellect , then we must stop thinking of a kind of people , a ‘ work-force ’ who will obediently slot into the place society has for them , trained as a kind of technological army .
6 But equally we must stop thinking of another kind of people , ignorant of technology , and interested only in high culture .
7 In case their faith was wavering , Mr Li , misleadingly dressed in a western business suit instead of the again-fashionable Mao garb , added a reminder of the inevitability of class struggle : ‘ While fostering socialist democracy and the socialist legal system , we must intensify dictatorship by the socialist state apparatus . ’
8 We must manage change to improve people 's lives , instead of allowing change to make people its victims .
9 We must redistribute power in this country by peaceful means .
10 We must do justice to all the factors involved .
11 We are part of Europe and we must stay part of Europe .
12 We must pay tribute also to the United Nations , which has been revitalised over the past 12 months and has started to play its part in trying to unravel and resolve the problems in Yugoslavia .
13 If teachers are to be encouraged to develop learning programmes and sequences for their pupils in styles which go counter to the traditional ( and easily prepared ) pattern , we must pay attention to their development of prerequisite skills and prerequisite understanding .
14 Some element of planning and/or deliberate regulation is evident in many settlements , and so we must pay attention to regular croft and property arrangements and consistent front and rear property alignments .
15 Secondly , we must pay attention to the extension of the activities of the state itself , which results not only from the increasing scale of societies , but also from many other influences that encourage state intervention ; and to take a specific example , those influences which effected the transition from a ‘ night-watchman state ’ to a ‘ welfare state ’ .
16 And Jesus does n't just chat to us for the sake of chatting to us , he , when he speaks to us his words have authority , they have input , they are vital and we must pay attention to them .
17 We must exchange hostage for hostage .
18 We must bring peace before everything is lost . ’
19 The article concludes with a declaration that British members of the National Front should identify themselves with the struggle of the Palestinians : ‘ We must draw inspiration from people such as the Palestinians who having lost so much more than us , still continue to fight for national sovereignty , and stubbornly refuse to relinquish their national identity . ’
20 Now if we wish to use Newtonian mechanics we must relate velocity and acceleration to the same particle .
21 unc Division by a decimal needs extra care , since before starting to divide we must adjust place values .
22 Once we accept that our officials act in the name of a community of which we are all members , bearing a responsibility we therefore share , then this reinforces and sustains the character of collective guilt , our sense that we must feel shame as well as outrage when they act unjustly .
23 The excess to which some have pointed may well disclose the absence of something crucial , but for that we must defer judgment .
24 In view of this we must enact election laws as soon as possible .
25 ‘ I do n't know whether or not it will involve us , but we must go flat out and hope Leiceser slip up .
26 We may hold them again at a price a hundred times their worth to us , for a few months , a few years at a pinch , but French they will still be , and in the end we must leave go of them .
27 In ordinary politics , however , we must treat integrity as an independent ideal if we accept it at all , because it can conflict with these other ideals .
28 Mr Cosic added : ‘ We no longer have the means to make war , we must make peace to win . ’
29 The main criticism of transcendent philosophies is that though the ideas are beautiful and those who live by their precepts can be happy , yet men ask what relevance the philosophies have for our modern world of materialism where we must make progress and raise humanity out of starvation and ignorance .
30 Since we know that the periodicity of some variables is longer than the monitoring already carried out by human beings , we must make use of surrogate or proxy variables to extend our range of knowledge ( such as via tree rings , palynology , oxygen isotope ratios from ice cores and geomorphological evidence of environmental change ) ;
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