Example sentences of "we must [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Topsel 's compromise was to suggest to his readers that ‘ with a wary and discreet eye we must avoid their harms , making more account of their use than of their persons ’ .
2 Cyanogen has two equivalent CN bonds , and we must treat their stretching motions together ( see Fig. 5.19 ) .
3 We must know their weapons and — ‘ There are other folk to tell ! ’
4 Often people who share your compartment wish to relax and do not wish to indulge in polite conversation , they may just want to read a newspaper or magazine so we must respect their wishes .
5 We must demolish their fraudulent claims to be the party of freedom and opportunity .
6 In addition we must consider their meanings .
7 There are some whose function has stimulated less comment such as tweezers found in male graves ; if it were accepted that they were primarily depilatory we must consider their role in the alteration of the physical appearance of men and women as a cultural trait .
8 It follows that we must pre-empt their play for power .
9 They know that and they 'll try to prevent it — but we must pre-empt their every move .
10 If N C V O is to be able to fulfil this purpose effectively , we must be working closely with our members , and we must have their confidence and respect , and such confidence , of course , is a two way process .
11 Lucy says ‘ They always go home happier and friendlier — but most of all we must preserve their love of movement ’ .
12 If we are to discuss their work we must share their assumption .
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