Example sentences of "we 'll [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah we 've got the daily contact each morning with one of the , one of the er council employees , they 'll come up approximately between eight and nine , and we 'll hand over any incidents reports that have been made during the night .
2 We 'll pass over your doubtful history and come to the interesting part .
3 We 'll pass on Paddy
4 If you want to know when the centre 's open , and what happens on each day , then just give us a ring and we 'll pass on the details .
5 And we 'll set up a , so we 're going to , you , you devise an experiment , Neil .
6 We 'll set off as soon as we 've eaten .
7 Shall we have a little introduction and then we 'll set off shall we ?
8 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
9 no we 'll clear up in a minute
10 We 'll press on , shall we ? ’
11 Then we 'll press on .
12 Absolutely , yes , I mean , I followed an entirely erm conventional format for the agenda here , I mean we , do we have a , all I was thinking of doing was checking whether these minutes are a true representation of last week , and if they are , we 'll press on to matters arising , yes ?
13 We 'll reverse out the gate .
14 If we are pretty sure that someone has had a heart attack though , we 'll whistle up the RAF helicopter to get the casualty straight to the hospital .
15 We 'll head round to the south coast .
16 Then collect me and we 'll head off to the Yard to deal with the mess that 's going on there . ’
17 Some day soon we 'll stop by at a monastery and have a scribbler read them out to you .
18 We 'll stop off somewhere for lunch . ’
19 Of course we can , he wo n't mind , we know him , just let's go , we 'll stop out for the day , and let's bring it back tomorrow .
20 Perhaps we , we all have erm thirty three pence each and we give a penny to Oxfam , or we 'll toss up or we 'll , thirty three pence each and one penny left over so we 'll have a third of that penny each we 'll cut it up .
21 We 'll make up the time , I promise . ’
22 Do n't let them stampede us into anything , we 'll make up our own minds .
23 Above her head Silas murmured , ‘ I 'll admit I 've been slow — but we 'll make up for it later , my dearest . ’
24 Anywhere in Vienna 's out of the question of course , or we 'll finish up getting shot alongside him . ’
25 we 'll finish up with two negatives one from each O H.
26 we 'll finish up with right angles first .
27 Right can we just we 'll finish off with a prayer .
28 Right , I think we 'll , we 'll leave it there for today , we 'll finish off er this tomorrow .
29 But we 'll finish off with erm Adam 's enthusiastic er er new album .
30 Anyway , with the topsy-turvy results this season has thrown up , it 's anybody 's guess what we 'll end up with after Man U v Forest has run its course on The Match on Sunday ( ITV , 3.25pm ) .
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