Example sentences of "we should not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I think perhaps we should not speculate beforehand .
2 Does he further agree that , at this critical time of ordering , building and commissioning that submarine fleet , we should not pay attention to the recommendations of the two main Opposition parties , whose opinion appears to vary , not merely from day to day , but from hour to hour ?
3 I see no reason why we should not accelerate again up to the average of the G7 countries .
4 But we should not rely too heavily on that distinction .
5 We should not rely simply on price mechanism alone , but reduce output and link it to markets to balance supply and demand .
6 We should not ban Voltaire 's Candide , Tom Paine 's Age of Reason , Bertrand Russell 's Why I am not a Christian , Scorsese 's The Last Temptation of Christ , or Monty Python 's The Life of Brian .
7 We should not abandon the search for a better way of determining pay for all health service staff .
8 There is good reason why we should not speak ill of the dead but no good reason why we should not think it , if it seems to be necessary .
9 Finally , it seems most plausible to suppose that this enforcement operated within very strict limits , so that we should not speak of a general power of enforcement of modus for public purposes .
10 We should not regard this situation lightly or allow ourselves to fall into a purely reactive management position .
11 In Kempe 's case the problem is slightly eased by the fact that even she recognised her state after the birth of her first child as a sickness of mind and we should not regard this as an isolated episode of ‘ puerperal psychosis ’ that was unconnected with her continuing aberrant behaviour .
12 We should not regard their ‘ invention ’ of a structured gestural language as grounds for believing that earlier hominid handwaving could thus rapidly have attained parsable results .
13 We should not advise him in what circumstances the claim would be covered under the policy .
14 We should not underestimate the effect of our own disappointment .
15 As the movies desperately sought new audiences we should not underestimate the part played by a fear that mass working-class patronage was just too good a thing to last .
16 We should not underestimate the power of official systems of classification of children , even when they are generally held to be inadequate by those that work with them .
17 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
18 On the other hand , we should not underestimate our ancestors , or ‘ primitive ’ tribesmen of today : a study of the naming of birds in a part of New Guinea made recently demonstrates that their divisions and ours show an astonishing degree of similarity .
19 Although we have reduced the number of pedestrian deaths in this country — we should not underestimate the work that has been done to achieve that — the results have been less dramatic than in Germany .
20 We should not underestimate the courage it must have taken for Clinton to give the go ahead to the Bosnian airlift .
21 Although they are somewhat late in entering the bids scenario , I believe we should not rule them out since having talked to my partner in Italy , he regards them very much as an niche buyer .
22 These are some of the arguments : first , the Black community is living in a hostile environment , therefore we should not wash our dirty linen in public as this would be used by racists against Black people .
23 We should not generalise , it will be different from area to area and practice to practice .
24 Janet Hill ( 1973 , p.69 ) says that ‘ Reading is essentially a private , personal activity , and in our anxiety to make sure children are finding what they want , we should not intrude on their privacy ’ .
25 In the first place , we should not paint too pessimistic a view of what was happening to the landed classes , since the experiences of this group varied considerably from region to region .
26 There is no reason why we should not lock our vehicles when we leave them and thus prevent that crime .
27 There is no reason why we should not continue our activities , if we choose to do so , after our partners have retired .
28 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
29 There are many things that we are certain of and , although it might be useful to try to doubt these certainties , we should not pretend to doubt what we do not doubt in our hearts .
30 Ramazan Abdulatipov , chairman of one of the parliament 's two chambers , later told journalists : ‘ We should not pretend we are heroes .
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