Example sentences of "we had [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We had reached level ground so winching was relatively easy .
2 If we had selected different base categories , we could have ended up with negative values of d .
3 We had shot clean over the bergschrund .
4 We had made good time and had to ease speed to avoid closing the island in darkness .
5 ‘ If we had made political statements , Asterix would be too French .
6 By June we had made sufficient progress for me to tell the House of Commons that we intended to move against the ‘ frozen ’ pension .
7 If we had made different choices , we might have different industries , different types of towns and a different countryside .
8 We had covered large distances both on-road and off the road , totally independent of public transport .
9 It was next door to the Infants School but we had heard terrifying stories about life there .
10 For more than a week we had suffered high-pressure gloom in the south of England but on the day of my flight we enjoyed 8/8 blue with not a bump in the air — Wing Commander 's weather !
11 Among all our other irresistible attractions we had advertised free fishing in the River Meloch and the millpond , and a prospective holiday-maker asked , over the telephone , what kind of fish were to be found there .
12 I think it 's time we bivouacked ’ , I muttered , when we had struggled free of the rope .
13 And , of course , after we had become used to them , we wanted more .
14 Over the previous twenty years we had become preoccupied with structural arguments about regions and areas when we should have been concerned about how the service was run .
15 Quite simply , like millions of other people , we had become sedentary .
16 However , we had seen lively debates on aspects of a part of consumer credit with which many are not too familiar , debates which had illustrated well that there was more to the ‘ credit bargain ’ than the headline APR figure , and which had dispelled some long-held prejudices .
17 When our first Report on the primary stages was submitted to Mr Baker at the end of September 1988 , he felt that we had given insufficient emphasis to the teaching of grammar .
18 We had gone prepared for any questions he might ask , together with all the official documents regarding planning permission etc. and a collection of excellent photographic evidence of how we had set up the museum regarding exhibits etc. , taken by our good friend Russell Mulford .
19 It 's proving to be a strain , both financially and physically — since we are doing as much of the work ourselves as possible — and our friends were convinced for some time that we had gone mad !
20 There a lady showed us to our seats , once we had got comfortable we were shown a safety routine by the stewardesses .
21 I put in the usual request for official clearance through the valve and was pleased to find that we had got lucky .
22 We had experienced great difficulty in procuring bearers and mules , since a small war was raging in valleys and hills .
23 On Wednesday we had improved retail sales figures .
24 In Opposition we had had great fun pursuing Bill Rodgers on the standard of the baked beans and the quality of the fried cod .
25 ‘ When we visited the Ukraine , we had had great difficulty in explaining what a piper looks and sounds like , ’ said Peter .
26 In transport , then , Margaret Thatcher 's first Government extended privatization far beyond what we had thought possible in Opposition , but there was no doubt what was the jewel in the crown .
27 The music panellist said : ‘ If there had been a full panel meeting and if we had known certain things which were kept from us the decision might have been different .
28 If we had found good reason to say no , to the first question , there are implications for how we say no to the second question .
29 We spent Chairman , two and a half hours discussing this matter at that point and we had come full circle back to point 1 .
30 We had spent anxious weeks in Prague watching each puffy , white cloud that graced the azure sky with the hopeful eyes of a child waiting for Christmas .
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