Example sentences of "we are not [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He rejected attempts to justify these actions ‘ with talk about the ‘ Soviet threat ’ to that region 's oil wealth' and underlined that ‘ we are not indifferent to what takes place in this region , which is so close to our borders ’ .
2 NATO officials were more circumspect in their statements , with NATO Secretary-General Manfred Wörner saying that " we are not indifferent " to Eastern Europe 's security .
3 . The erm the gist of it sir is that English Nature er carried out er last year a survey of ponds in this area , though we are not certain that they were able , owing to the exigences er created by the attitudes of certain landowners , er to erm investigate every pond in the area .
4 The only trouble with storylines like that is that life is for more complicated er we may want to see justice be done , we may want to see virtue being rewarded , we may want to see er all of those things happen , but when we make mistakes when we make mistakes , when we are not virtuous , we actually end up not being too keen , but justice should be applied straight away .
5 I stress we are not anti-Europe and nor was this meant to be a mischievous motion , but we are very distrustful about any deal negotiated by any member of this government .
6 Playing Richard is so bound up with physical attitude , and I think that as actors we are not well enough equipped to meet that kind of physical thinking in that kind of role .
7 The trouble is that in Britain our women are expected to behave like servants , and we are not used to behaving like servants and we ca n't .
8 You can say we are not used to it because our parents never sunbathed .
9 We are not used to such notions and there are few world religions that still offer ‘ sacrifices ’ .
10 At first , being so aware of ourselves may seem very strange ; this is because we are not used to it .
11 This is difficult as we are not used to doing it , preferring to keep these approaches in separate compartments .
12 We are not used to seeing our bowlers treated like that . ’
13 Well you 've just you 've just er allow you 've just said something that allows me er to bring in er the way in which we approach advertising sales er Robert because er all of us who 've been in tra traditional sales , and I 'm I 'm just er that was my background as well er in addition to recruitment , er we are not used to giving everything over the phone before we go to see the people .
14 Individually , we probably all — even if we are not involved in advertising — have at least a small number of slogans or even whole ads which we remember readily , and sometimes even with affection , from a long time back .
15 ‘ The Braer disaster has affected everybody in Shetland and yet we are not involved in any of the inquiry processes .
16 If we are not convinced that any standard has been offered , or that what is offered can work , then , I would submit , the principle of respect for life demands that we treat all alike .
17 We are not convinced of the need for the rotation of audit partners , ’ says Grant Thornton , in its response to the consultative paper issued by CAJEC .
18 We are not convinced that the object of the exercise is to make yet more people to become like ourselves !
19 We are not convinced that the penal realities concerning race and gender outlined in Chapter 9 can be satisfactorily explained in this manner .
20 We are not convinced that just because large quantities of potential secondary materials are present in the North Wales region , they can be used to meet unsustainable demand at an acceptable environmental cost .
21 We are not convinced that just because large quantities of potential secondary materials are present in the North Wales region , they can be used to meet unsustainable demand at an acceptable environmental cost .
22 We are not convinced that the attraction of out-of-town shopping is entirely a response to consumer demand .
23 We are not convinced that the Government pay enough attention to quality .
24 In the light of the methodological weaknesses and the fact that euthanasia without explicit requests was not permitted ( but still yielded 1000 cases per year ) we are not convinced that LAWER has not increased in frequency .
25 We are not sure where civilisation evolved .
26 We are not sure that Latimer 's and Ridley 's sermons would not jar on modern refinement quite as much …
27 EMI A & R boss Nick Gatfield could shed little light on the situation : ‘ It 's all up in the air at the moment , we are not sure what is going to happen .
28 We can not remember anyone ever asking us these questions and we are not sure we could have given a reasonable answer until we had been married nearly twenty years .
29 When we are not sure , it is time to make sure — to see if the things which we believe are in fact true .
30 We are not sure if the scripts she 's been sent are suitable for her , but we are going to beat the undergrowth there to see if anything comes flying out . ’
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