Example sentences of "we [vb mod] take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The point is surely that the properties of being good and being yellow are not complex properties as being a horse is , which is ( we may take him to be supposing ) a matter of having a whole lot of simpler properties , such as having a certain sort of head , a certain sort of tail , and so forth .
2 If it 's all right with Shelley , we may take our swim . ’
3 They appear in the documents section and therefore do not , we may take it , represent the views of the editors .
4 We may take it that the utilitarian in him could accept with Ricardo 's labour theory of value his hostility to landlords , who might be regarded as unproductive and bone-idle , and share with him a reluctance to extend that hostility to master-manufacturers .
5 In fact we may take it from the wording of Section 2 of the Definition Order that , during the conference questions were asked about the liability of individuals to repatriation , or Section 2 might not have been included at all .
6 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
7 ROS : Tell us where " t is , that we may take it thence and bear it to the chapel .
8 I think we may take it as certain he had business here .
9 And if it means fifty percent of whatever we get in capital receipts going to pay off our debts , it 's a worthwhile attitude , and I think we ought to take our debts responsible .
10 We can take it down ; we ought to take it down really .
11 We should take what lessons we have learnt and work out our options for an energy-efficient future .
12 We soon became fast friends , and the brothers joked that we should take him with us on our journey .
13 ‘ We should show understanding for the fear of our neighbours ; we should take them seriously , ’ Dr Kohl told the West German flag-waving crowd outside the Church of Our Lady , left in ruins by the Anglo-American air raids of February , 1945 .
14 Maybe we should take them up on it . ’
15 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
16 In closing I must remark that if we ever make contact with aliens we should take them to Bangor and let them see all that is good in the human race .
17 ‘ I suppose we should take them with water . ’
18 We should take everyone 's experience and build up from that .
19 ‘ But we should take it seriously , nonetheless .
20 I could have brought her Undry so easily , she thought ; but I left it at Ben Hesketh 's … and then told Adam we should take it to Andernesse …
21 ‘ I know I said last night that there was no need for us to spend too much time together , but I did n't mean we should take it to extremes , ’ she said with some annoyance .
22 We should take it easy and not be led by the nose by the Commission or by the Council of Foreign Ministers .
23 We should take it as settled that drivers are liable only for such damage as has been explicitly stipulated in clear statutes , so that drivers and potential victims can insure and otherwise plan their affairs accordingly .
24 For if the relations between the individual and society are as close as he believes , we must take them into account ; instead of grounding explanations upon one part we must theorise about the whole to which all the parts belong .
25 We must take them today . ’
26 We must take him cigarettes . ’
27 We must take your mind off this ridiculous idea . ’
28 That old homosexual really was one — not like Angus Wilson 's — he just says they are and we must take his word for it . ’
29 We must take it on board , we must come together , network , campaign against this .
30 We must take it to them , lad .
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