Example sentences of "we [vb base] they are " in BNC.

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1 We realise they are complex and detailed , but we believe it is better to give maximum information at the start of the new system of teaching , and modify them as our needs dictate .
2 To take some simple lexical examples : judgement and judgment are two orthographic encodings , or variants , of the same ( syntactic level ) word ; often and frequently are two syntactic level encodings of the same meaning ( which is what we mean when we say they are " synonyms " ) .
3 ‘ We can only guess at Allan Lamb 's motives in the Daily Mirror , but we hope they are nothing so base as money or , even worse , our nationality . ’
4 Two girls from Berkshire classes have joined the Teacher 's Course — We hope they are successful and will join the teaching force : Janet and Diana — we shall help them all we can , For , in Berks , the spread of Medau is our most important plan .
5 Deputy director general John Dorken promised to ‘ press for further cuts if we consider they are justified . ’
6 As no vocal chords as we know them are to be found in the larynx , the sounds emitted probably come from the lips of the larynx .
7 ‘ Of course we know they are going to get stronger but when are we looking at ? ’
8 We know they are a good side and I am sure they will come to Cardiff with a great deal of confidence , but our approach to any big game is exactly the same . ’
9 ‘ It puts Holland right back in it , and we know they are well capable of stringing a run together . ’
10 As with the stereotypes we refer to in the business of everyday life , we know they are not , and can not be , comprehensively true or correct , but they provide us with an indispensable framework within which we can interpret particular instances .
11 We know they are different — if they were identical we would not need to consult the doctor for purposes other than access to resources — but we can not understand why they differ in these particular ways .
12 Now we know they are not telling the truth .
13 What is indubitable is that they are used of effects , that they can not be used of unnecessitated events , and hence that effects as we understand them are not unnecessitated events .
14 " We believe they are the male and female principles of existence .
15 It made sense to work with companies such as Albright and Wilson , Sterling Organics , Dow Corning , FMC , Procter and Gamble , Kodak and numerous others because they do a high volume of business with C&P , are open to this approach and because ‘ we believe they are tomorrow 's winners , ’ said Anthony .
16 Legends about the movement of stones arise because , if the stones are alive with energy , this in some way affects our perception so that we feel they are moving .
17 We feel they are the targets for extreme abuse .
18 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
19 We think they are being shot for meat when they land in Afghanistan , ’ she said .
20 If we think they are easy meat we will end up with egg on our faces .
21 ‘ While it would be a brave man who bought the shares in the current atmosphere ( although we think they are a buy ) , only a fool would sell them . ’
22 WE THINK they are brittle , transparent women who are obsessed with weight-loss and cosmetic surgery .
23 We think they are about right , they would provide for an appropriate level of development .
24 Oh yes we 've they are subscribing , and if we was n't keeping a good erm a good liaison with them , then I do n't think we 'd be here now .
25 Rather we see they are related sets of problems , needing in part national solutions and in part international changes .
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