Example sentences of "we [vb base] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the tyres we change are worn to the legal limit .
2 The diet that we eat is influenced by a variety of different factors , both consciously and subconsciously .
3 Just as we are all different in our body weight and metabolism , so the type of diet we eat is influenced by factors which differ from person to person .
4 The food we eat is broken down by means of a series of enzymes in the mouth , stomach and small intestine to its simple component molecules which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream .
5 Unless we are confident that the meat we eat was produced without suffering , the equality principle ‘ implies that it was wrong to sacrifice important interests of the animal in order to satisfy less important interests of our own ’ ( 1979 : 57 ) .
6 One of the mistakes we make is to imagine that if something is harmless or beneficial to us it must automatically be so to cats .
7 The words we use come to us already imprinted with meanings , intentions and accents of others , and any utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other . ’
8 The words we use come to us already imprinted with the meanings , intentions and accents of others , our speech is a tissue of citations and echoes and allusions ; and every utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other who will receive it .
10 What we intend is to take up the area of ground you now have roped off , or a part of it — the broken corner of the hypocaust . ’
11 What 's more , every kitchen we sell is planned and designed free of charge , then expertly installed by our teams of specialist craftsmen .
13 What is more , we hate being used as political footballs by cynical politicians .
14 ‘ The key thing in any business we back is to get on with people and be able to judge people 's strengths and weaknesses , ’ says Michael Queen , who is a local director with 3i .
15 The pelargoniums we grow are derived from wild species native to South Africa , and it 's interesting to see some of these plants in Hazel 's collection .
16 All of the findings we report are based on the assumption that this questionnaire can accurately and reproducibly detect a change in anxiety , even when the same questionnaire is administered twice with just one hour between each assessment .
17 If the safeguards we propose are adopted , we are confident this can work as successfully as it already does in the magistrates ’ and county courts . ’
18 The last thing we want is teaching by numbers , reducing learning to a series of mechanistic measured units .
19 The last thing we want is to lose our independence to one of the big five . ’
20 ‘ Ideally what we want is to score early on because the longer the match progresses , psychological factors in the players ’ minds will surface . ’
21 I feel some drivers have been very , very lucky and the last thing we want is to have complacency creeping in .
22 The two things are very different , and yet if all we want is to produce consent , it can be got in either way .
23 I 'm not saying we have done this in an ad hoc way up to now but what we want is to try and develop a programme for this and I think that should be a very useful and , and frankly I would expect it to grow er over the years as the need develops .
24 All we want is to get rid of the juggernauts . ’
25 All we want is to get rid of the juggernauts . ’
26 What we want is fighting talk , and fighting spirit , I want Macca to prove me wrong that he is not a big girl 's blouse .
27 If we say are providing a band for dancing , we are liable if they let us down .
28 Sometimes we are not convincing because what we say is belied by our actions — for instance , a woman who wears a permanent fixed smile while trying to reprimand a subordinate , or when returning faulty goods to a shop .
29 The West has simply ‘ rediscovered ’ in Africa ( despite the diversity and complexity of that continent 's cultures ) fundamental values that we imagine were lost or repressed in the high noon of civilization and progress : values like ‘ natural ’ well-being , spontaneity , conviviality , uninhibitedness , everything we long for and want to relearn in the 1980s .
30 Erm , so what were doing is were , we hope were waiting for a new prisoner to be allocated to us , erm , and perhaps we could , perhaps we could , perhaps we can write and remind you think , think we should do that ?
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