Example sentences of "we [vb base] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We land on this loyal world for salvation …
2 All in those in favour of the resolution that we commend to these to the church
3 Mr Reid said : ‘ We will also be reviewing our procedures and make sure they are improved before we launch into another election . ’
4 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
5 One good thing is that we communicate with each other .
6 They divided the way we communicate with each other into.three categories and called these Parent , Adult and Child .
7 We communicate with each other in the set through a large number of mostly informal networks .
8 Within the framework of the Garden 's overall statutory objectives , information policies will help us to decide on resource allocation , improve the way we communicate with each other and with our ‘ users ’ , and provide feedback to Management and the Trustees on the way our resources are being used .
9 We communicate with each other through a variety of methods — by the staff newsletter ; by Office Notices ( which may be of three types — mandatory , advisory , and informative ) ; by internal memos and notes ; committee minutes , and by word of mouth .
10 You will appreciate that we remain with little land of non-strategic value on the Council 's account .
11 We bring to our working relationships the same potential for disordered conduct as we bring to any other area of our lives .
12 Moreover , if we bring to this common confusion the elementary historical observation that these presumptive classes of ‘ art ’ and ‘ sub-art ’ or ‘ non-art ’ tend to shift ( all novels , once , would have been in the downgrading classes ; particular classes of novel , for example ‘ science fiction ’ , move from one side of the divide to another , or are straddled across it ; cinema films are ‘ commercial popular culture ’ but then some films are ‘ high art ’ ) , we become more and more certain that we must refuse that beguiling invitation to leave aside ‘ sociological categories ’ and move to ‘ the works of art themselves ’ .
13 It is difficult , is n't it , not only at Christmas , and , and we suffer from this , probably you do as well , friends from London .
14 We grin at each other .
15 We grin at each other .
16 We grin at each other through forkfuls of spaghetti .
17 In our attempt to understand a group of complex phenomena we pick on some ‘ simple ’ starting-point such as a need , and proceed to treat it as though it were completely transparent .
18 Why we eat what we do and how much we eat of any particular food is a fascinating subject .
19 " I do n't want you to think that we eat like this every night , " said the sultan with a smile ; indeed , we had seen him earlier in the day wearing well-cut Western clothes .
20 If we , the public , see ‘ profession ’ as more trustworthy than ‘ trade ’ , we help to institutionalise trust-worthiness as part of the licence we accord to those who set up as experts .
21 If you wish to make a reservation for 10 or more people , contact your travel agent , and do n't forget the special discounts we make for most groups — see page 11 .
22 ‘ We need time to debate some of these issues , to decide what new appeal , what fresh approach we make to those voters who have not yet been persuaded to come to us , ’ he said on BBC TV 's On the Record programme .
23 The other point I have is N Y ten , can you tell me what erm we make of that one ?
24 The money we make in this shop goes to erm Save The Children Fund which supports children in countries abroad , particularly in Africa where you 've probably seen pictures on television .
25 Every year we buy his work for more than the year before and every year we sell for more than the year before 1991 being no exception .
26 He placed the motto ‘ We sell for less ’ above the entrance to each store and banned wholesalers , passing on the savings to his customers .
27 Some of the costs are met by head office — it gets all of the revenue because we sell in this country — but in the case of France where we have a separate legal entity , what we 're after is contribution statements by unit of accommodation for the UK revenues , and one or two other costs with those French locally incurred expenses .
28 Er we concentrate on that , do my crossword and things like that .
29 Chair , we do class as unsatisfactory those samples that the laboratory would covers do n't reach certain standards , whatever the standard may be , and that 's why we concentrate on that figure that the bathing unsatisfactory at one particular pool , where there was a serious problem .
30 The model is easiest to analyse where ( i.e. , the firm ignores the indirect effect ) and we concentrate on this case .
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