Example sentences of "we [vb past] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 We met when she came with the chairman of one of the big contractors to lobby me about increasing the road-building programme , when I was a spokesman for Transport .
2 Then we realised that she 'd had diarrhoea so badly it was actually oozing out of her collar !
3 We asked if she was getting tired of being subjected to all these questions , and she said that she had a few more minutes before she had to go and meet Jack and Rod for lunch .
4 We asked if she had been shopping , and she said no , she had been to friends borrowing .
5 We found that she would answer to either name , but did n't respond to any other .
6 We evaluated the effect of the 1976 legislation on the issue of the anonymity of the rape survivor ; on the basis of press reporting in 1978 , we found that she was now most unlikely to be named , but identifying detail was still published .
7 On all points we found that she tracked accurately and remained beautifully balanced .
8 But the problem I became very angry years ago with that because , I mean Irish Close and we had the three of you we found that she 'd , she just kept on telling us off .
9 She was happy because we believed that she had not killed William .
10 ‘ But then we heard that she 'd been killed . ’
11 Nex anyway it 's quite near Portsmouth and we heard that the first Queen Elizabeth ship , they do n't say it 's the first but they call this one the Q E Two but there was a Q E One , you see at one time and so we took a coach from there to Southampton because we heard that she was in dock there and so we went and there were crowds of people and all in a queue waiting to go in .
12 We kissed and she climbed out on to the track , clutching Willmouse to her neat breast .
13 In the morning we discovered that she had caught a fever , as a result of getting wet .
14 We 've been playing Michael Crawford 's music on the tape , well we started because she was erm tt trying to get the tune for Love Changes Everything so this morning we decided
15 We established that she and Sir Richard are lovers , adulterers , fornicators , and in only a matter of time we could have had a confession that they were guilty of Sir Thomas 's death as well as the .
16 Fortunately , and by pure chance , I had said nothing that could lead her to assume that we thought that she was travelling with them — as arranged . ’
17 Sigourney was coming on last and we were going to move the seats around during the interval because we felt that she might not be able to concentrate sitting next to the heavily made-up and highly camp Julian .
18 When we learned that she was not to be charged , the detective inspector carrying out the investigation told us : ‘ It 's the first I 've heard of it . ’
19 Arthur said : ‘ We wondered if she would like a little sponsorship and agreed that when she competed we 'd give her some meat .
20 The unfortunate queen , unable to take sunlight after her lengthy seclusion , was entirely swaddled in black cloth — in which she was undergoing an exercise so rigorous that we wondered if she would emerge from it alive .
21 At this point we suspected that she was hypersensitive to dexamethasone and therefore withdrew the drug .
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