Example sentences of "we tell they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We told them to be careful and do their rounds accompanied by an adult , ’ said Mr Ord .
2 How often have you heard parents say , ‘ Nobody took us seriously when we told them about the problem ? ’
3 Or if we tell them about anything dangerous so they can get it before it gets their precious settlements .
4 ‘ Annabel and Clare are going to get the surprise of their lives when we tell them about us ! ’
5 Whatever we tell them on the phone is always per annum and we have to be .
6 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
7 When we tell them in the , what we say is that erm that very same person came back as a fox , or you know , that very same person came back as er you know ge goose or whatever animal it might be .
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