Example sentences of "we look [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh hi , hi there , my name is Mrs I ordered an oven about two weeks ago , I just wanted to know if it 's in er where , where we looking at that ?
2 Will that continue to be the case , or are we looking at some kind of block grant formula here ?
3 Now what were we looking at last time ?
4 Erm can we look into that ?
5 Where , then , may we look for hopeful areas of peace , ways in which this new overwhelmingly destructive and readily deployable force may be contained , not just for a few years , but in our minuscule timespan , for ever ?
6 ‘ If we go to your house today , can we look at these rooms ?
7 Did we look at those before ?
8 ‘ Then why do n't we look at this scenario ? ’ said Branson .
9 And as we look over these next few minutes , we 'll consider that it was Pilate who rejected and who crucified the Lord Jesus .
10 Well if we look under escalating premium and single life male , that 's the first column , we come to the figure of three pound fifty five ?
11 As a result with good control of working capital , our cash flow overall was virtually the same as in the previous year in spite of the significant profit collapse and although there may be some further redundancies this year , I do n't expect them to be in any way on the same scale as during nineteen ninety two and the important thing is that we now have costs in line with the lower level of revenue as we look into nineteen ninety three .
12 We look into each other 's eyes like card players wondering what 's hidden .
13 ‘ Next , we look into each other 's eyes , like this . ’
14 So , yes , I would certainly support that we look into this proposition .
15 Right , okay , the other thing I was going to ask about we , we had a big promotion of Amnesty by The Body Shop , last year , er and we noticed that Our Price were also going to do promotion of Amnesty and we asked , wonder if we look into local shops and see what they could find out and what was going on , did you find anything ?
16 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
17 Perhaps if we look beyond superficial disagreements we may find that today 's men and women of influence share fundamental beliefs and that these beliefs can inspire a common approach to community care .
18 Now the reason we suggested that we join the consortium with the emphasis sort of thing we look on this with the District of the County Council who are members and it is now a wider the pamphlets , merely those adjacent to the terminal airport .
19 And in , when we look for distinguishing marks on people
20 What was appropriate in our mothers ' day is not necessarily so in ours , and therefore we look for new sources of guidance , since instruction of daughters by mothers is less readily acceptable than it was .
21 And so we are we look for that sort of commitment before people leave er the room today .
22 It may also be that we look for different attributes in different parts of the public service .
23 The central theme of the Unit 's philosophy is that there is only one science , no matter how finely disciplines have become subdivided ( largely for administrative purposes ) over the years , and so we look for those research proposals which are naturally and freely expressed .
24 Every year we look for buried treasure .
25 So we look for any mark under the cuts , or for a bump on the back of the head . ‘
26 We look for clean supplies . ’
27 On small tokamak experiments , we look for several developments : continuous operation of a toroidal discharge probably by driving the current in the discharge other than through induction ; a proper understanding of the relationship between the plasma 's internal magnetic pressure and that of the confinement system ; completion of the work on divertor systems and ways of exhausting spent fuel from the plasma ; and the development of more efficient ways of heating the plasma and in-depth understanding of the confinement physics .
28 If we look to existing trends for advice , it seems likely that the coffin stools , hearse and candles would have been kept at the church and put into place by the parish clerk and/or sexton .
29 We look to improved insulin delivery systems , perhaps suppression of the immunological insult to the islet and methods of enhancing insulin receptor activity .
30 We look at other possible answers in the next chapter .
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