Example sentences of "we think they [be] " in BNC.

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1 Here where class and its rituals , football teams , chips , queues for everything , council estates , three storey houses , pebble dashed suburbia , languages we 'd never heard , the tube , children who 'd grown up with TV programmes we 'd never seen , pubs and warm beer ( when we saw COURAGE written on pub hoardings we thought they were left over from the war to give people morale ) , tea and gasfires and pets , having to make appointments to see people in advance rather than just arriving , suspicious politeness , all of these began to reveal themselves , intricately and ambiguously .
2 We thought they were silly and selfish , with narrow , primitive , semi-educated attitudes .
3 We thought they were angels in the home and that everything was marvellous .
4 After we lost our camera we could have bought another one at the market , but we thought they were over-priced .
5 We thought they were going to follow us , so we took a really weird route home , ’ says Peter .
6 ‘ When we got that first call from the company , we thought they were going to sue us because we 'd used some samples on a record without clearing them , ’ laughs Geoff .
7 We thought they were most unusual and attractive and could n't resist them for our own house , ’ says Sue .
8 At night we were visited by entrepreneurs in sarongs and Muslim black felt " peci " hats , who knocked so quietly that for a long time we thought they were merely underpowered geckos .
9 We thought they were like any other wartime group , nothing more than reminiscences and marching songs .
10 And with Rentakil , and if you remember at that time , as he rightly said last night the idea of going with Rentakil , was that we thought they were a reputable firm ,
11 So first problem is one of serial correlation in this model right , if we estimated this model and things were as we thought they were this hypothes , these hypotheses were working and farmers were behaving erm , as we thought they might do , right , this model will automatically use serial correlation right .
12 ‘ We chose that company because we thought they were reputable and we had to do everything speedily . ’
13 The ending reminds us that the boys are really just little boys who are childish , not the animals and cannibals we thought they were .
14 We thought they were , yeah , and they fucking bought one drink between them !
15 ‘ We take interesting wines and price them at what we think they 're worth .
16 People who think like me are simply protesting against the Government 's action in a perfectly legitimate way — we think they 're wrong to attack Egypt and we want to stop them before any further damage is done .
17 We used to say well we think they 're done now , right
18 if you float you 'll stay at the top , some people can float and they do n't need arm bands , they stay at the top and if you sink they go to the bottom , now we 've got to look at these things look and we 've got to decide whether we think they 're gon na float , stay on the top or whether they 're going to sink and go to the bottom , now then what 's this here ?
19 We think they are being shot for meat when they land in Afghanistan , ’ she said .
20 If we think they are easy meat we will end up with egg on our faces .
21 ‘ While it would be a brave man who bought the shares in the current atmosphere ( although we think they are a buy ) , only a fool would sell them . ’
22 WE THINK they are brittle , transparent women who are obsessed with weight-loss and cosmetic surgery .
23 We think they are about right , they would provide for an appropriate level of development .
24 They called out our names and we had to follow where we think they were calling us from .
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