Example sentences of "we would not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " In the normal course of things we 'd not treat such a disappearance seriously . "
2 Without him , I dare say , we 'd not have secured M. Dupont 's agreement to come . ’
3 ‘ If the council houses had n't come , we 'd not have had electricity , water or the phone for all these years . ’
4 ‘ He may have done , we 'd not have heard him , ’ said the Leader , ‘ or thought he was shouting at the horses .
5 The agreed position of the Government was that we would not move over to private health insurance but would seek to make the health service as effective as possible .
6 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
7 Without that money we would not carry on and we could not carry out our work effectively .
8 Certainly , it is important to study bureaucracies as institutions in their own right , even if we would not go as far as the poet Alexander Pope who wrote :
9 thank you situation are appointed jointly by the County Council and the County and effectively these consultations and of that er appointment and the following the last Committee we agreed with the er detail and of the and we also agreed that we would not go ahead with the which until we have seen the result of the consultation and therefore there still outstanding as whether we wish to action the not .
10 er , I 'd believe in theory we could because the lease provides us or gives us the opportunity to do so , but we would not go against the wishes of the residence
11 As discussed at our initial meeting , you have asked that we would not inform your auditors of our involvement on this assignment .
12 If only they had had the sense to invest in cleaning up our power stations , as the Germans have done , we would not watch electricity industry representatives and Ministers rushing around trying to find cheap fixes to meet their European obligations .
13 I 'm sure we would not quarrel about payment . ’
14 If a secretarial assistant does not wish to accept the invitation with its terms , we would not press the matter but the policy should be that we appoint no more off-the-payroll secretarial assistants and that the whole arrangement ends by April 1993 .
15 In other words , although the rule is broken all the time , it is broken deliberately for particular effects , which we would not perceive if the rule did not have some psychological reality .
16 However , we would not want everyone to have this capability or we would spawn lots of different expert systems .
17 You are pretty as a picture and we would not want you drawing attention to yourself , would we ! ’
18 We would not want to encourage anybody not to buy a licence . ’
19 These rights of control over one 's own possessions are valued rights — we would not want our shirt to be stolen , torn , or dyed by someone else — but this all-embracing idea of ‘ property rights ’ conceals a crucial difference between different forms of property .
20 just that issue was raised that we would not want to see demolition of Franklyns that block held up by this .
21 We would not want to see the scheme a held up or at least , the timetable that we could set down .
22 We would not want to describe this possible completion point ( or any other which occurs in this extract ) as a paratone-boundary .
23 After carefully reconsidering the issue , may I say that we would not want , as a matter of practice , to publish the proceeds from each company sold .
24 While we would not want him to show his full negotiating hand at this stage , he gave us very little information .
25 Again , on a truth-conditional theory of semantics , those meanings can not be captured we would not want to say that B 's assertion in ( ii ) was false if B had simply misidentified A and assumed mistakenly that A was a male superior ( that would make truths relative to whomsoever they are addressed ) .
26 But Mr Reynolds declared : ‘ Our first priority is to get all parties around the table , and we would not want to do anything at this stage that might hinder the process .
27 But we would not want to miss an opportunity or to court a refusal , ’ he said .
28 ‘ For example , we would not want two jewellers next door to each other . ’
29 Until that becomes clear , we would not want to say anything more . ’
30 We would not make such a large change without formal consultation .
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