Example sentences of "we be say be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What we are saying is that the ITC will put up the name .
2 What we are saying is — it was organised . ’
3 Give Peace A Chance , John Lennon & Yoko Ono : The hirsute duo 's anthem became the plaintive ‘ All we are saying is give us a goal ’
4 He added : ‘ What we are saying is we will treat very sympathetically Yugoslavian applications for refugee status . ’
5 What we are saying is ‘ Let's experiment ’ .
6 In more mundane language , what we are saying is simply that a movement to a point along x could be executed in two steps , one along x and then another along y .
7 Teachers and librarians can not always resist the uneasy thought that they may be being given the soft sell : like demythologizing theologians laughing too heartily at our ideas of what religious doctrine involves , perhaps the educational technologist 's bland " all we are saying is " is simply the prelude to smuggling all the old gadgetry back again while our backs are turned ?
8 What we are saying is , the patient ought to be able to determine at any stage of their illness what care they receive , and they ought to know what is coming next .
9 I mean you could have , if you have basically what we 're saying is that you have a whole load of of subject reports and on the top of it you 've got form tutor report
10 What we 're saying is that , that we 're gon na have we we 're gon na put a bid in
11 Now what we 're saying is , this is your hospitals .
12 So , so what we 're talking , we 're not saying you know there are groups and there 're individuals and there 's a gap in between , what we 're saying is there 's a kind of continuum from very groupie groups where the individual is , is practically hypnotized by the , by , by , by , by the group to erm more or less complete individualism where individuals belong to , to emotional groups that are very , very weak and where identification with the with the sentries is pretty pretty minimal .
13 No they 're not the realities , because what we 're saying is that we have to modernize the policies of the Labour Party , but the policies are absolutely based in our traditional concerns , I mean , let me give you an example , when Beveridge was talking about unemployment , and the life long need for people to work , he was talking about a male workforce , where it was a man supported by a non-working wife , now we still have at the absolute heart of our concerns in the Labour Party peoples need to work , but we 're now talking about a situation , where women are sharing with their husbands the role of bed breadwinner , and in many families the woman is the sole breadwinner , and therefore our policies about employment and the economy recognize that the world has changed , our principles are the same , but the world to which we 're applying it is very different , and , again , on that you see there would be no distinction between the so-called traditionalists and the so-called modernizers .
14 No , what we 're saying is two things , firstly that we are not in favour of taxation for taxation 's sake
15 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
16 I think Canadians will respond positively to the CHA report because what we 're saying is : let's be serious about what we 're trying to achieve .
17 That Mr Chairman , to hear Councillor say that , because all we 're saying is that these council officers are n't doing their job , did n't they inspect these buildings ?
18 We are not subject at this juncture , to identify any further exposures , but that , I mean , that 's what we 're saying is n't it ?
19 But when it comes to the Trading Standards Board , what we 're saying is , if P and R and Policy Panel this Committee finds seventy thousand pounds ' worth of savings , then clearly item two represents a way of doing it .
20 What we 're saying is we 're giving you it for half price .
21 Er clearly what we 're saying is that that there would be a thirty percent reduction on the A sixty one either side of the town centre .
22 Could well be negated because all we 're saying is that the counter argument to it is we 're simply conforming with the structure plan .
23 I 'm not gon na indulge about politics with the of Europe , I believe that what we 're saying is the right way forward and I hope you 'll wholeheartedly support our resolution .
24 What we 're , in effect what we 're saying is that for a a number of years the Communist Party has provided , has made that moral economy work i in a s and made it work very well because rents have been reduced more than the peasants would expect erm er interest rate is extremely low .
25 Well , but we , no we 're not saying that , what we 're saying is that we so all we 're trying , w w w that they were saying we ca n't go from cap er from feudalism to socialism but we do n't want to go just from feudalism to capitalism , we want to go into er if you like a capitalism with socialist characteristics .
26 So what we 're saying is that you can take the correlation coefficient , multiply it by N minus two divided by one minus R , square root it first , and you convert it to a T. R P is the correlation coefficient ca calculated by the way we 've j that that 's just a little squiggle
27 can not have four week deferred period So what we 're saying is the risk there is too high , and there 's obviously a greater chance they 'll be claiming at a very early stage Okay , so the client has the choice , say , apart from the group fours , they could be four thirty and twenty-six and fifty-two , but again dove-tailing into what they 've already got .
28 So financial effect of what we 're saying is completely incompetent .
29 This sort of thing is going to increase and what we 're saying is beware .
30 What we 're saying is that in this two three four five year span we 're gon na have some real problems ,
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