Example sentences of "we [modal v] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a single success if it is too costly in terms of time , commitment , motivation or any other resource , may be at the expense of future changes — and we may be seeing some evidence of this at the moment in terms of the reactive stance of large parts of the service .
2 We may be seeing a reflection of a more widespread export of consumables .
3 ‘ For the first time since the start of the recession , ’ said Mr Hayward we may be seeing some glimmer of light , particularly as the figures tie in with the slight decrease in receiverships this quarter and with recent reports of an increase in business optimism .
4 But one of the station 's journalists , Belfast-born Fionnuala Sweeney who presented the night 's occasion to Europe said at the end of it all : ‘ Who knows — we may be seeing you in Ireland next year . ’
5 I 'm afraid we may be bringing you bad news . ’
6 For instance , we may be setting Dryden 's Song for Saint Cecilia 's Day and wish to abbreviate the following verse by cutting out less important material : We could reduce this to the following , which retains the important parts of the above , keeps the message exactly the same , but brings it down to more manageable proportions from a musical standpoint :
7 In this way we may be helping Iain Whyte , National Secretary of Christian Aid/Scotland .
8 After all , we may be learning as we go along but it is n't long before we discover that not everybody has a sylph-like waist or arms that with a little stretch will trail along the floor !
9 With sodium , too , we may be fulfilling a need for this vital nutrient which controls the movement of fluid in and out of body cells .
10 We may be hanging on to relationships which reinforce low levels of self-esteem .
11 We may be requiring a change in the culture of the organisation .
12 Erm although we may be collecting more than that , and we may be collecting less than that .
13 Erm although we may be collecting more than that , and we may be collecting less than that .
14 We may be expecting a promotion at work .
15 Not everyone can or needs to excel at everything , and unless people are allowed to concentrate on what they are good at we may be wasting valuable resources .
16 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
17 It is more likely that such hoards will be found today simply because of their size , so we may be dealing with a higher rate of recovery for these hoards than is normal for hoards of other periods .
18 We may be dealing with an energy currently unknown to science , but it made sense to start by monitoring known energies .
19 What 's really worrying me is that we may be dealing with amateurs . ’
20 The famous inscription from Brough-on-Humber ( vicus Petuariensis ) , attesting the presence of a theatre , shows that some vici possessed magistrates with the title of aedile , although we may be dealing here with a site which was also a civitas capital .
21 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
22 One of the things that does , I 'm not being Chairman , just asking questions , but one of the things that slightly concerns me because I know that in his document the director has put about providing day care type facilities in rural areas and I remember at our last meeting , the last meeting at one , we discussed specifically and area , erm it does , does worry me a little whether the absence of any capital expenditure on our part means that we may be providing day care facilities in some areas but it 'll be of a very much lower quality or a lesser quality than we may be providing anywhere else in the areas like and and .
23 One of the things that does , I 'm not being Chairman , just asking questions , but one of the things that slightly concerns me because I know that in his document the director has put about providing day care type facilities in rural areas and I remember at our last meeting , the last meeting at one , we discussed specifically and area , erm it does , does worry me a little whether the absence of any capital expenditure on our part means that we may be providing day care facilities in some areas but it 'll be of a very much lower quality or a lesser quality than we may be providing anywhere else in the areas like and and .
24 But it may well be a happy life , and that we may be taking away .
25 In laboratory experiments , we may be getting a picture of how people behave in laboratories , but can we be sure that this is how they behave in the real world ( see p. 55 ) ?
26 Indeed , the possibility that he may actually have known Rodrigo can not be ruled out , and offers a tantalizing possibility that we may be reading a first-hand account .
27 We may be looking at a racial motive , but there is no doubt they were copying the other carjackings . ’
28 In making a comparison we may be looking for points of similarity in order to aid our recognition ( and consequent action ) or we may be looking for points of difference .
29 In making a comparison we may be looking for points of similarity in order to aid our recognition ( and consequent action ) or we may be looking for points of difference .
30 Above all , we will try to address the significance of multimedia in a general sense and assess its likely impact on the way in which we may be using information in the final years of the century .
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