Example sentences of "we [be] [to-vb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives , is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor 's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father , though never so much as now , when she is dying ?
2 There is no suggestion that we are to take this other than literally .
3 ‘ Please get stationery ready , Matron has been told we are to take another batch of severely wounded soldiers .
4 Clearly , if we are to explain such interpretation we will need more than our list of cohesive devices .
5 Clearly , if we are to explain such interpretation we will need more than our list of cohesive devices .
6 If we are to combat any attempt of the Right to exploit issues involving sexuality in order to hang onto power , we can not afford to neglect the virtue of solidarity — which involves a certain restraint concerning our feelings bout what other people do in bed .
7 If we are to do this we must be clear what such skills include , and an advantage in having the librarian working in consultation with the planning team is that such questions can be asked and their proper inclusion sensibly planned .
8 An understanding of the processes involved in ‘ choice ’ and participation is essential if we are to include more girls , and members of other disadvantaged groups , and alienate fewer .
9 We are to christen this child Pilade , being the name of Ferdinando 's maternal grandfather whom he wishes to honour .
10 If we are to control all variables , we have to set up a totally artificial situation .
11 Science as it is presented in schools , he argues , seems irrelevant to most 13–16-year-olds , and if we are to recruit more pupils into scientific careers , then science should be shown to have some relationship to the issues that concern them .
12 If we are to overcome this sort of problem in future we must put even greater resources into British Rail to safeguard trains , crews and passengers .
13 If we are to confront these matters , they need to be worked out at the levels of the individual student experience , the curriculum and the institution as a whole .
14 Here we are to have some fun .
15 Chrysanthemum cuttings need to be taken if we are to have any flowers next season .
16 However , I believe that it is unavoidable if we are to have any hope of defending what is ours .
17 ‘ All League matches are vital , but we simply have to win this one if we are to have any chance of taking the title , ’ said Evans .
18 If we are to make any further progress , then , we must now abandon the assumption that the practice of the social sciences must conform to our existing philosophical intuitions , and instead consider seriously the possibility that we might be able to develop a better theory of social explanation by way of examining the successful practice of the social sciences .
19 Resisting them is essential if we are to make any advance with our own life-respecting alternatives .
20 An official government report published in July 1991 has concluded that we need to make substantial changes to the typical British diet if we are to reduce some of the major health concerns such as heart disease .
21 If we are to achieve those in practice , we must first prepare the ground carefully .
22 We must have partnership between government and non-government if we are to achieve any degree of success in our aid efforts .
23 It is this we must grasp if we are to challenge those who would seek to impose a tight curriculum upon all children .
24 Terms like ‘ expressionistic approach ’ and ‘ figurative equivalence ’ signal the critic 's preoccupation with the issue of likeness for , it would be assumed , if we are to accept these works as portraits there must be some point at which the notion of the subject-sitter intrudes upon the paint-as-surface which is such a prominent aspect of the experience of looking at Auerbach 's work .
25 CPRW believes such an investigation is desperately needed if we are to stem this slide into anarchy and social dissension .
26 All the authorities must work properly and openly if we are to avoid such abuse in future .
27 If we are to avoid this foundationalist conclusion we shall have to show that the regress argument is fallacious .
28 ‘ If we are to maintain this type of lead , we need realistic support similar to our competitors ’ , he says .
29 And I know this , that if we are to gain such a bargain with them we must first know ourselves who and what we are , and set a true value on our blood and our tongue .
30 We 're to take this one , John .
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