Example sentences of "we [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 have we been through the of this group ?
2 Had we been at the house of my parents we would have shared the fate of the rest of the family …
3 Have we been on a high speed ?
4 ‘ How … how long have we been on the move ? ’ she asked .
5 So we did n't buy very , little utility furniture , the only utility furniture we 've got is , it used to be a bedroom suite up in that second bedroom , we 've still got the bed of that , that was utility , but had we been in the market we would of bought utility because it was very good , some of it was really good if you looked around and erm , you know , choose your furniture , it was very good
6 He 's a bill sales , how long have we been in the indoor sales , or territory four , nine , one , in Manchester depot , which covers the Greater Stockport area .
7 The most bizarre of all these techniques , at least to our eyes , prejudiced as we are to a mammalian way of doing things , is that practised by Rhinoderma , a tiny frog that Darwin found in Southern Chile .
8 Well we are to a point , you 're saying well they 're You feel guilty at times , that you 're not doing enough .
9 Er and so we are looking at ways in which we can actually erm develop this and the firm as a whole is doing that as well and er we are to a certain extent that initiative .
10 People come up to us and say , ‘ You 're a joke band , ’ and we are to an extent , but ultimately the joke 's on you .
11 Accustomed as we are to the damp rigours of most Scottish self-catering properties , the Rannoch flats and apartments seem like paradise .
12 The fathers were as close to the New Testament as we are to the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century .
13 A student , faced with discourse slightly beyond his or her current knowledge , is in the same position relative to that discourse as we are to the above .
14 The more sensitive we are to the possible stigmatising consequences of charity , the less motivation there will be for giving .
15 I must again stress how very grateful we are to the IBOA and AIB for their kindness in continuing to help put a little additional pleasure into the lives of our members .
16 ‘ Thus we live by hope and faith , thus we are for the most part able to realize what we will , and thus we accomplish the end of our being .
17 ‘ Day is done ’ is of course another Shakespearean echo , like the Dark Tower : ‘ The bright day is done ’ , says Iras to Cleopatra , ‘ and we are for the dark ’ .
18 In addition , when I look at the plight of the millions of people who 've been made homeless recently because of flooding in other parts of the world , it does make me realize how lucky we are as a society that homelessness is still on a much smaller scale here than it is in some countries .
19 AND FAR from home , in terribly Anglophiled Boston , here we are with a lot of catching up to do , prior to the penultimate date of Carter 's six-week American tour .
20 As long as we are in safe hands , while we are with a sincere man like B.L .
21 While we are with the greatest works of the period , mention must be made of a work of comparable distinction , the Doves Press edition of the Bible ( five volumes , 1903–5 ) , described by Colin Clair as ‘ in its magnificent simplicity one of the noblest books ever produced in this country ’ .
22 ‘ We have n't got to the predicting level yet but the more familiar we are with the patterns , the better able we will be to make educated guesses . ’
23 Well Gordon and here we are with the erm the finished arrangement — are you pleased with it ?
24 He believes we are at a deeply significant turning point in human history and if we are to come through it we have to change not just the way people behave , but also the way in which they think .
25 We are at a disadvantage in Britain in that we do not have a revolutionary doctrine to preach : a vivid message that promises an unattainable millennium .
26 We are at a loss to know the cause of Dr Dyer 's ‘ twinge of alarm ’ .
27 That concentrated evil , that supreme almost supernatural cruelty , teaches us that we are at a parting of the ways , man 's salvation or man 's destruction .
28 As I see it , we are at a crossroad where far-reaching decisions must soon be made by women , by local authorities and central government .
29 We have to confess that we are at a stage of understanding where any answer must be to some extent tentative .
30 However , a number of theories argue that the changes are even bigger than this : that we are at a major historical turning-point in the nature of the UK economy and in its urban and regional geography .
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