Example sentences of "we [be] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Have we been topping that up a little ?
2 Er er what should we what have we been u have we been using any particular sort of of form of words Jane ?
3 How many years have we been flying that route ?
4 What had we been doing all these years if not promoting fitness , well-being , stamina , strength , and mobility ?
5 What have we been doing all this time ?
6 What have we been doing this past week at Inveraray , eh ?
7 We are providing more support than ever before — £14 for every £10 spent in 1979 , after allowing for inflation .
8 That way , we are providing those front line services , that Councillor Taylor picked upon and Councillor Parker mentioned , such as Social Services that had been , that that literally been fleeced by the previous administration to pay for their capital projects .
9 Furthermore , when visiting our local dominance and submission sex club , we are warned that ‘ master/mistress never initiates eye contact with another 's slave ’ .
10 If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives , is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor 's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father , though never so much as now , when she is dying ?
11 There is no suggestion that we are to take this other than literally .
12 ‘ Please get stationery ready , Matron has been told we are to take another batch of severely wounded soldiers .
13 We are using all means at our disposal to help people to work towards genuine democracy , ’ the organisers said .
14 This is an acceptable solution if we expect to concentrate on one form of arithmetic for a number of instructions , but if we are using several forms ( for example , floating-point calculations with address computation in fixed-point format ) then we have to change the contents of the mode register continually .
15 In the present context , we are using these terms to refer to phonetic characteristics of syllables .
16 Although the decision to enter a ‘ courtship ’ is based on sufficient common interest ( we are using this term to include values and tastes ) , the purpose of courtship is to explore , ensure and expand that base of common interest .
17 We are using this as an opportunity to try an alternative method of staffing .
18 Clearly , if we are to explain such interpretation we will need more than our list of cohesive devices .
19 Clearly , if we are to explain such interpretation we will need more than our list of cohesive devices .
20 erm Nonetheless , while we want to carry on supporting that , we 've also got to think , as Jack said , erm of as we enter the next century what is going to be right for our children , and we know that in many ways we have failed them and we know that we are producing many children who have n't had the training and the education that 's going to be necessary for us to be erm economically competent in the future , so we 've got to look at the whole of our educational provision , and frankly I think opting out was erm a sort of unnecessary blip on all of this that is n't really terribly important in the whole issue of how the children in this country should be educated .
21 We are producing more goods in our factories of better quality than ever before , how can there yet be a recession ?
22 If we are to combat any attempt of the Right to exploit issues involving sexuality in order to hang onto power , we can not afford to neglect the virtue of solidarity — which involves a certain restraint concerning our feelings bout what other people do in bed .
23 Proof ( Briefly ) We are given that b — a and c are both in N. Hence by axiom P(ii) ( b-a ) c ε N. It follows * that bc — ac ε N , that is
24 Let unc Here we have chosen B as the lower triangular portion of A , and C is of course B — A. We are given that unc To four places of decimals we now find unc and to this order of accuracy , unc is null .
25 However , we are given that errors are likely to be proportional to t .
26 Once again , we use the matrix specified in Equation ( ) and we are given that it has an eigenvalue near
27 Both individually and collectively we are given many opportunities to achieve that part of the Association 's Dedication that announces ‘ We shall remember them . ’
28 But we are given such a huge sweep from birth to incipient death that the movie never draws breath long enough to give us any depth or conflict .
29 We are given some financial support from the government but this doe snot cover all our costs and we therefore depend on gifts from trusts , companies and individuals .
30 Suppose we are given some outline drawings of axes .
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