Example sentences of "we [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of foods we make from wheat flour often tend to be very high in calories , seem to be almost irresistible to hungry slimmers , and are often used as ‘ binge ’ g=foods by compulsive eaters .
2 Have we fallen from grace ?
3 Rather , they were of decisive moment in how we lived from day to day and deserved the commemoration of daily objects , so that William 's figure , seated on his prancing white charger , sword-arm raised in a gesture of advance , decorated tea-towels and plates .
4 When my mother met , we were met you know when we got married the solicitor had us in because he wanted us to make a will because see we did n't take the money that we got from mum .
5 Breakfast , fresh bread we got from shore .
6 Oh you know that bit of cheese we got from Superkey ?
7 As we grow from childhood , the role of calcium in our bodies changes from building bones to maintaining them .
8 Here at Practical PC , we 've had AUTOEXEC.BATs full of REMmed lines — alternative command lines that needed editing to make changes in the various programs and drivers we used from time to time .
9 We get what we expect from life , according to our desires , thoughts , beliefs , attitudes , choices and decisions .
10 Matches at neutral venues , on the other hand , often have charged atmospheres as the contesting clubs bring along five or six thousand supporters and create the sort of scene we expect from cup semi-finals .
11 Nevertheless , fluent and legible handwriting continues to be important , so the one secretarial attainment target that we propose from level 5 onwards is called presentation and includes both spelling and handwriting .
12 ‘ We Germans can choose what we want from Supermarket Europe , ’ the top-selling newspaper Bild boasted .
13 we stopped from time to time
14 It is quite amazing how much the human eye actually misses when we walk from place to place .
15 Or we die from boredom .
16 Or have we moved from minor to major ?
17 If we can not safely generalise even about the two districts we have come to know , still less , of course , can we generalise from East London to the rest of the country .
18 What do we expect from life ?
19 We meet from day to day .
20 Erm I would like to take advantage of the things that I have actually done myself as a member of the Stansted Airport Consultative Committee and also as a member of Advisory Committee because I am Stansted representative and we meet from time to time and as apart from transport .
21 Mexico is a country with over three thousand years of continuous civilization , but knowledge of its history , culture and people has tended to be either minimal or — worse — affected by the kind of stereotypes we acquire from film or television .
22 Perhaps all one can really say about layout , in this sense , is that you have to remember that in Europe and America we read from left to right and top to bottom , in that order .
23 It is recommended that we purchase from Action Computer Supplies , our usual printer supplier , who has the lowest price that I have seen for this printer at the moment .
24 This view of what we infer from reading ( 9 ) will only provide us with a limited insight into how readers interpret what they read .
25 But we glimpse from time to time those considerations at work when courts examine the insurance position of the parties and reflect upon the implications of unlimited liability to an indeterminate number of plaintiffs .
26 We heard from home that Shanti and Chris had both found permanent employment , and were happy in their work , Shanti as a nursery-school assistant and Chris as a forester .
27 That day we walked from Glaramara to Castle Crags , where we had an excellent view over Derwent Water before crossing the valley to explore Grange Fell .
28 But since we have failed to produce a clear notion of context , what we include in context is likely to be whatever we exclude from semantics in the way of meaning relations .
29 Since dogs are so easily manipulated , it is perhaps surprising that two of the most common problems we hear from doggy ‘ specialists ’ ( dog breeders , for example ) concern eating — like how to get a show dog to eat on the road , and how to get a recalcitrant dog to eat at all .
30 It is amazing what we hear from Opposition Members , when they intend to cut defence expenditure .
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