Example sentences of "we [verb] that what " in BNC.

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1 How do we know that what we 're drawing into our lungs is n't doing us harm .
2 When listening to unskilled workers we found that what was pre-eminent in their minds was the sense of being cut off from involvement in a product .
3 We urge that what is devised should not make excessive demands upon time or resources .
4 When we say that what we see is a mile away , we must mean that were we to move forward a mile , we would be ‘ affected with such and such ideas of touch ’ ; and so Berkeley concludes that the things we see are not the same as those we touch .
5 Instead of saying that in the absence of a community there can be no rules , we say that what is wrong with the solipsist 's rules is that they can not be set up in the way he pretends , by using a private experience as a sample .
6 Yet it is sometimes easy to be dazzled by the well-intentioned enthusiasm of a Vicki Hearne , or by false philosophy , into misunderstanding or down-playing the differences , and because it comes naturally to us to say that both we and the dog are angry , or frightened , we conclude that what goes for the human must go for the animal , making certain allowances for sensuous and anatomical variations .
7 We believed that what we were doing did n't infringe on the characters of any group of people , and therefore we had a clear mind .
8 This is no easy task when we consider that what is required is some competence in a range of applications software and a degree of sensitivity to the data modelling and analytical problems that historical source material and historical research involve .
9 In primarily transactional language we assume that what the speaker ( or writer ) has primarily in mind is the efficient transference of information .
10 We know that what the players do can be decisive for the survival of a specific enterprise within such an industrial sector .
11 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is appalling that the Opposition whinge on about the failure of this country to export , when we know that what we need from both sides of the House is unanimity to help exporters and not complaints about them ?
12 We need to understand the position of the Sanhedrin , Jesus is really representing great changes in their tradition great a great revolution really and we know that what he was doing was was sort of getting Christianity to grow out of Judaism , but it meant that Judaism had to move to one side .
13 We know about it before , always used to , we know that what we 're doing with B T is , you know , we 're starting up clapping .
14 Notes seem to be introduced which are outside the system , yet when we investigate his methods we find that what is seemingly haphazard is in reality well planned : As will be seen , apart from grouping notes 6–9 normally , the rest is made up by omitting notes from chords and then introducing them later on .
15 So we find that what women believed was an easy , imperceptible way of coping with menstruation is n't really the panacea we have been sold .
16 We believe that what is needed is a systematic way of evaluating both the positive contribution made by the presence of an airfield as well as the adverse impact involved .
17 We believe that what has been described as paradoxical pain is what we would refer to as ‘ opioid poorly responsive ’ pain and that opioid responsiveness is a continuum that may be influenced by any of a large number of factors related to the patient and the drug as well as the pain .
18 Bass guitarists included Mo Foster , and Lee Sklar who played on a track for us , but we did n't use what he did , as we felt that what we already had was better .
19 We agree that what 's needed is a credible , punter-friendly security firm to establish themselves , offering bands and venues a less twisted and psychotic alternative …
20 Through his assistance our house was built in the traditional manner , and we learned that what had first seemed simply a glorified jungle treehouse actually contained remarkable hidden know-how .
21 And this this we see , it 's er quite interesting , this you notice this bit here is not plastered , and this has not got these dimples , so we think that what actually happened is when they first did this the the the the this bit of the window was blocked up with wood or wattle and daub or something like that , and so it was a a a and then when then when the vestry came down this these stones were put in here to block it up again .
22 If we think that what anyone says is likely to cause a breach of the peace , then we 'll act .
23 We all mess about when we think that what we have been asked to do is silly or pointless .
24 Looking at the time-reversal paradoxes again , we see that what they are really referring to is information , rather than particles .
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