Example sentences of "she had see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Carlie believed everyone was out to do her in , and she had disliked Mrs Mason , the foster mother , as soon as she had seen her standing in the doorway .
2 Emily knew that her beautiful daughter had a dozen friends at school , she had seen her walking down the street when classes were over , surrounded by other girls .
3 Artemis frowned , trying to remember where she had seen her before , and then she remembered .
4 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
5 Rachaela thought of the day she had seen her in the snow , the day Emma had bowed out from their lives with urgent smiles .
6 She remembered because she had seen her drive off and it was unusual for ‘ a señora of her quality ’ to be driving herself with no companion .
7 Claudia looked at Dana 's angry face and knew that if Roman had proposed she would have told her , triumphantly , as soon as she had seen her , accident or no accident .
8 Thoroughly spoiled , her mama had said sadly , the last time she had seen her .
9 She had seen her , and now she wanted to go , before she gave in to an impulse and started asking her questions about Elaine .
10 She had seen me on television and remembered the skinny little boy , Linford Christie , who had asked her all those questions on a flight from Kingston twenty-one years earlier .
11 ‘ What if she had seen me ? ’
12 She took the oath and swore she had seen me drunk .
13 The press had already scented a story , and friends at Regent 's Park Zoo urged her to speak out about the zoo animals ' wretched living conditions , now she had seen them in their natural habitat .
14 But she had seen them on the newsreel before the big film , creaking and groaning across the land , their great limbless , legless form crushing and grinding all that was in their way .
15 Electrodes , that 's what they were ; she had seen them used on the baby in the next cot to Jenny in the hospital , just a few days before she had died .
16 She had seen them on their expensive horses , swooping across country , confident in the saddle .
17 For the last few days she had seen them , not as her parents but as two hating individuals carrying on a private war behind screens .
18 Alice never spoke of him except casually but on the few occasions , like last night 's dinner party , when she had seen them together they seemed to have the intuitive mutual awareness , an instinctive response to the other 's needs , more typical of a long-standing successful marriage than of an apparently casual fraternal relationship .
19 She had seen them arm in arm one day , several years ago , ’ Jean says .
20 She had seen people die , she had seen them give birth , she had chopped them into little pieces : more significantly , with Charles she had achieved orgasm , which she had never managed with Edgar .
21 She had seen them around the hotel for the last five days .
22 She had seen them through a strange fuzzy blankness , as if they were constructs of her subconscious which were being projected against her closed eyelids .
23 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
24 They had noticed and she had seen them notice .
25 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
26 He had looked older when she had seen him at St Petrock 's ; but he had been scowling then , and now he was looking quite friendly and interested — rather like James , who sat in front of them regarding them both with faithful brown eyes .
27 Apparently they had no friends , with the possible exception of Roger — and she had seen him stiffen slightly when referred to as ‘ old Rodge ’ .
28 He looked like an old man suddenly and she realised how he had aged since she had seen him last .
29 Allen had been interested in the sack ; she had seen him stooping where the sack was hidden and he had been doing something with it .
30 It was a year now since she had seen him , and he was more handsome than ever .
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