Example sentences of "she also [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The defending solicitor tried to fault her on identification but she described the car as having a metallic paint job , wide wheels and a number of triangular stickers in the rear window ; she also thought that she could remember a couple of fluffy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror , and she gave the first three letters of the registration number .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ said Sally-Anne respectfully , thinking of her mother 's splendid garden , but she also thought that St Jude 's garden was an oasis in the wilderness .
3 She says she would make these images whether she was selling them or not , but she also notes that in painting them she has ‘ such enormous fun ’ .
4 She also believed that ‘ If he ( God ) ever listened to poor colored women the world would be a different place . ’
5 She also painted and drew and this , inspired by comics like Topper , developed into caricaturing .
6 She also felt that , without realising it , she had become very set in her ways .
7 She also felt that age 6 was too early to make what she saw as a drastic decision — once out of mainstream education she felt he would be unlikely to get back .
8 She also revealed that the National Federation of Retail Newsagents , which held its annual conference in Llandudno last week had already donated £4,300 from a collection at their banquet .
9 She also says that she knew you . ’
10 She also says that she is doing the ride again next year …
11 She knew that her grown-ups were frightened and she did not want them to be frightened , but she also knew that Fenna was a mightier protection than all their loving care could ever be .
12 She also knew that Bertie had been lying to her over ‘ discontinuing ’ the post .
13 By the time she drained her glass she also knew that the last van to leave for the country about three weeks ago had been Chertsey bound .
14 She knew that Hugh had been wrong in what he had tried to do , but she also knew that no real intimacy had taken place .
15 She also knew that she should have reported the foul to Mike , who would then make an official complaint to the umpire , but she was too angry .
16 She also knew that it was probably quite beyond Mrs Bennett to appreciate that a trained nanny , even as young and nice a one as Karen , would not take kindly to being asked to do anything other than the job for which she had been engaged .
17 She knew she was falling in love with this man ; she felt certain that she could n't resist him ; but she also knew that she could n't treat Louise in this way .
18 But she also knew that he was right .
19 She also knew that , after some initial reservations , Giancarlo had taken to her .
20 She also knew that he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly .
21 And Elizabeth knew that I knew all about her , and she also knew that she was the only person I 'd ever written to for a photograph .
22 Oh , she knew she had learned a great deal during the last two years ; she also knew that a good part of herself was happy , mostly , she thought , because she had come to like Mrs Aggie and living in her house .
23 Mrs Bouverie knew this , and she also knew that the Loxford mothers despised her for meeting a child of ten .
24 Yet she also knew that if she had succumbed to her longing she would not have been satisfied , knowing what she now knew of the terrible difficulties of love .
25 She also knew that it was her priority to get her father , physically impaired since his stroke , down the aisle .
26 She also knew that some of her preferences were base in the extreme , and that her affection for Peter de Salis sprang at the first most ignobly from his delightful name .
27 But she also knew that anger would be part of Creggan 's survival , part of the strength he would need if , as she hoped , his chance for freedom ever came .
28 She also knew that , generally speaking , good , worthy men did not look flashy and glamorous , let alone theatrical ; on the other hand , many rats were as good-looking as they were confident .
29 She also knew that it meant that we could have a car when otherwise we could n't .
30 She also knew that , if she refused , the crisis would turn into a five-act melodrama .
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