Example sentences of "she just [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We told Laura three days ago she was going home , and she just kept shouting : ‘ Lewis , Lewis , I 'm going home to see Lewis . ’
2 She just kept saying : ‘ It 's the end of the world .
3 A lot of the time she just seemed to forget that he was there , and he 'd shamble along behind her just happy to stay close . ’
4 Oh , she just refuses to use the po-po .
5 Possibly — she just let drop that they 're moving offices . ’
6 She just likes to check up . ’
7 She just had to turn out , and there was nothing coming down , foot down , opened up , got I was at the top of the hill and she was nowhere in sight .
8 as if there was something locked deep inside her that she just had to let out .
9 But on looking into Ven 's no-nonsense dark eyes , she just had to answer his question truthfully .
10 ‘ Who was he ? ’ she just had to stop and ask .
11 The doctor explained to her how hard it sometimes was for the sperm to coincide with the eggs ; she just had to continue to keep the Shah interested .
12 She knew what she wanted to learn and she knew where it was ; she just had to shovel it all into her head .
13 And , with that out of the way , unless Ven Gajdusek wanted more — and she would n't put that past him — she just had to ask , ‘ Milada Pankracova 's leaving your employ wo n't affect anything , will it ? ’
14 So , ‘ None at all , ’ she replied — though , trying to make her tone barely interested , she just had to ask , ‘ How long is Mr Gajdusek likely to be away ? ’
15 ‘ Why ? ’ she just had to ask , ‘ when ? ’ and , most oddly , felt a tension in the air that , for once , did n't emanate from her .
16 ‘ How ? ’ she just had to ask for clarification .
17 ‘ B-but why ? ’ she just had to ask .
18 But I felt guilty about her being in a Home … she just had to go in in the end — and I know it 's the best place , it 's safe and she has company all the time … ’
19 She just had to hold on to the thought that , although he believed he knew who , he did n't know where .
20 Well this frocks never arrived and she just had to put on an ordinary er white blouse you see and a skirt and the frocks arrived the next day and she put them back .
21 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
22 She just had to come up with something .
23 She just had to have someone to talk about Fred to , and Jane , who 'd been through exactly the same cycle of experiences with him as Doris had , only one floor below , was the ideal person . "
24 ‘ Then — thank you , ’ she replied quietly , and , although she had washed her hair only yesterday , she decided that she just had to wash it again .
25 She rather thought he was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture , but for the life of her , whether he thought it unforgivable or not , she just had to burst out laughing , and ‘ Lubor ! ’ she laughed .
26 Were things so bad between them that she just had to disappear ? ’
27 Her mouth picked up at the corners and she just had to laugh .
28 ‘ Look , Jay , ’ she says , all bright and brisk , like there was a fascinating bird on the windowsill she just had to show me , ‘ we 've got to cool it . ’
29 And , that being the case , she supposed she just had to hope that , having been insulted so thoroughly , Count Romano de Sciorto would renege on his promise to Mother , and strike her off his guest-list for the whole duration of her stay in Malta …
30 No question of a divorce and marriage , she just had to get on with it .
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