Example sentences of "she would not be " in BNC.

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1 She would not be squeezed in .
2 They were unanimous that she would not be right for him .
3 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
4 She had a clear and frightening premonition that she would not be able to manage it .
5 It would not be damp and she would not be so weary .
6 He told her that she would not be able to let go of him , that his power was deep , deep in her bones and she was bound to him for ever .
7 But no , she told them , she would not be pigeon-holed .
8 I had to send her a greetings telegram , so that she would not be alarmed at the sight of the envelope , saying : DARLING MUM I AM MARRIED TO MY MUSE AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF SEEKING A DIVORCE SO DO N'T WORRY I 'LL BE A BACHELOR GAY FOR ME REST OF MY LIFE LOVE JIM .
9 She had also said she would not be lonely and dull , but I knew she was ; far from shops and with no companionship but mine .
10 Her one , clear thought was that , whatever he said , she would not be convinced by him .
11 She would not be taken for a fool , either , not when it mattered so much as this .
12 She ‘ knew ’ that she would not be returning ; no-one had ever seen her fridge in need of care and they were n't going to now .
13 If she was just a pop star she would not be able to do it , ’ said Mel Bush .
14 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
15 Mrs Browning had declared it was all too bad , too dreadful an imposition to have been responsible for and that she would not be able to look the Ogilvys in the eye ever again after causing them such vexation .
16 Roza Niedzwiedz would gladly have come with me but , as an alien , she feared she would not be granted re-entry into Britain .
17 Of her program policy , she would not be precise .
18 She would not be drawn out to talk about her work , to which she almost never referred without the adjective ‘ menial ’ .
19 She would not be sorry to give up the job there .
20 I wonder if ‘ name and address supplied ’ would volunteer to be chased five miles by an angry mob being happy in the knowledge that when caught he or she would not be beaten up but dispatched humanely ?
21 The other three more closely fit the latter than the former model : Mrs Mitchell 's daughter wanted her mother admitted permanently to the local psychiatric hospital ( knowing that she would not be eligible for residential care because of the severity of her condition ) ; but she also added — ‘ not that I do n't want her at home too — I love my mother — it 's just that the strain is too much for me ’ .
22 Kabir came to the market to sell from his loom when the woman grasped his hand , blaming him for being faithless , and followed him to his house , saying she would not be forsaken .
23 She feared she would not be able to support her children .
24 ‘ If she was pregnant , ’ Corbett cryptically replied , ‘ she would not be allowed to leave . ’
25 She would not be going home tonight .
26 Here at least she would not be hounded by her other creditors .
27 Apart from the fact that she felt extremely foolish , her fears were now actually affecting her life and she felt that soon she would not be able to leave the house at all .
28 Under hypnosis Sylvia remembered being adamant in her refusal to join in a game of hide and seek , which would have involved her in hiding in isolated , cramped and possibly dark surroundings so that she would not be found .
29 She would not be known now to many at Queen 's Park but that would be to our impoverishment .
30 But , worst of all , she would not be able to take her unfortunate friend to be changed back to his normal self , and this was the only night of the whole year when she would be in the presence of a magician .
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