Example sentences of "she were [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " Thanks , " he said , drily , " oh , thanks ! " and began stripping off his jersey , as though she were already gone .
2 Feeling as if she were slowly dying inside , she listened to the words .
3 Even if she were finally cleared by Nick Morley 's investigation , she would remain guilty by association in the eyes of many racecourse insiders .
4 If the dream were to lose its power , if she were somehow to prevent it recurring , she must face again the memory of that afternoon nearly thirty years ago .
5 She were just telling me one of her friends that sh when she was in
6 Emmie felt frightened as if she were just going to jump into deep water .
7 She were just laid there , dead still , ’ said the home-help , relishing the sound of her own words .
8 So she were just having a crumpet , she 's but butter were all melting , I says I can just picture now running down your chin and
9 so she were just having a few crumpets
10 Oh its its its chronic , Tracy and Yvonne take hundreds of calls that are nowt to do with us , we 've what was it , we had complaints and discipline on on Friday afternoon , they wanted Superintendent J Smith and complaints and discipline on Friday afternoon , she were just gon na transfer it and Jim walked in so we just had a phone call for you he said
11 I says , she were just making arrangements to come to your house depending
12 ‘ Julia , ’ she said , as though she were just waking up .
13 And she all an and she were also telling me that erm Ben er two boys at school set about Ben the other night and beat him up !
14 I do n't know you were in here and I were in there , in your sitting room , she were happy to make tea , she were right working
15 I know she were , she were brick shit she were , I said to Lyn I said I 'm bloody sure , I could have actually , she , she were nearly eating out of my arm , in them last few weeks , I 'll tell you , ooh the encouragement I got about the driving ooh I ca n't do it Lyn and when I comes in that day the first test I had she 'd made a great big fucking cake
16 Annie was behaving as if she were fully dressed .
17 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
18 He knew that he was oversensitive to the timbre of the human voice and hers , although not jarring or unpleasant , sounded a little forced as if she were deliberately speaking at an unnatural pitch .
19 I thought she were never gon na , I said to her for goodness sake , drink it !
20 Do n't think she 'eard , for she were still cryin' out fit to deafen us , beggin' your pardon , m'lord . "
21 Had she really managed to look as though she were still holding together ?
22 She felt as if she were still surrounded by ominous shadows that no amount of sunlight would ever be able to penetrate .
23 It was as if she were suddenly bewitched , her words spat back at him through a mask of hatred .
24 She needed some freedom if she were ever going to settle , never mind blossom .
25 It was as if she were playfully tossing a brightly coloured ball to her lover .
26 Had Becky got there before him , he wondered , even if she were only living in digs ?
27 The droning in her head swelled and faded , swelled and faded repetitively , and a black halo edged her vision as if she were only allowed to behold her world circumscribed by mourning bands .
28 If she subsequently changes her mind and refuses to hand the child over , the courts may allow her to keep the child , and in practice she will be unlikely to return any money , even if she were legally required to do so .
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