Example sentences of "she might [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's this cold she might not bother coming back
2 Her pregnancy had been uncomfortable and she feared she might not carry , but here it was - a girl for Bruce .
3 It was depressing to have to admit to herself that after four days together she was none the wiser , that , if she made the mistake again of leaving her vulnerable heart unguarded , he might once more strike her a casually cruel blow , and this time she might not recover .
4 What we had n't bargained for was that she might not want to be the next Franz Klammer .
5 Well I , she might not want reminding that she 's forty
6 Julia felt she might not make the end of the week if this went on .
7 But she might not talk .
8 She might not think she had changed but she was too old for that !
9 He thought she might not last a week at Anpetuwi .
10 They said it was for her own protection and they felt she might not surrender to the court .
11 If he did , then he was aware of the situation of risk and , it is suggested , should be acquitted only if his failure to consider that she might not appreciate the nature of the act was reasonable , bearing in mind his own capacities .
12 A triumvirate of male stars — Jason , Alan Dale and Ian Smith — were the most supportive friends in her life and the still nervous 20-year-old was scared she might not replace them .
13 It 's no use my telling you what it is — she might not agree , and then it would only be a waste of time . ’
14 Lewis was a professional , and although she might not agree with his methods she had to face the fact that he would quickly sense something was wrong unless she was very careful .
15 The same must be true of a situation in which the defendant pleads honest belief in consent on the ground that the victim permitted penetration although the defendant was aware that she might not understand the nature of the act .
16 A further situation might arise , however , in which the defendant alleges belief in consent on the basis of the victim 's consent to penetration but where it did not occur to him that she might not understand the nature of the act , although the risk of this was quite obvious .
17 During her first episode she was also suicidal , reporting that ‘ she despaired of her life , weening she might not live ’ and that ‘ she would have destroyed herself many a time at their [ the devils , ] stirrings … ’ .
18 She might not know what was proper for a lady at Christmas time , but at least they did .
19 She might not know too much about men — her adult experiences had been confined to Hugh Forster — but she did know her own sex .
20 She might not know who you are .
21 Yeah but she might not know English Christmas traditional questions .
22 She might not volunteer the truth all the time , but ask her and you got a straight answer .
23 On the other hand , now he thought about it — that was one of the advantages of taking time out to think things through — there had been occasions when she had looked at him in a special way which made him think that she might not reject him .
24 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
25 She might not trust Guy Sterne , she might not even like him very much , she might suspect him of being a ruthless womaniser and profiteer … but she wanted him here , with her … now where was the logic in that ?
26 She might not like hanging around hospital , you know , sick people , smells of disinfectant … it 's early closing and I was going to ask Mr Hogan for a loan of the car . ’
27 He pursed his lips thoughtfully and the hidden laughter in his eyes warned her that she might not like his answer .
28 And she might not like Guy Sterne very much , but he was curiously easy to talk to .
29 She might not like the situation , but she was n't about to take the line of least resistance .
30 do n't er , have to share one room perhaps , she might not like it
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