Example sentences of "she could [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 Luca Giordano , Elisa went on , thinking that she had placed her hosts at a disadvantage , was a particular favourite of hers and she could easily see why he was regarded as one of Naples ' finest painters .
2 At the top of a wave she could easily see across the Longstone rock to the other side .
3 She could easily see the broadness of his shoulders underneath a tailored white sports shirt .
4 She could also see that Pete McCarthy and his waitress had just arrived .
5 There were a series of impossible pains like knife cuts , but she could also see distantly how the women were skilful and trustworthy .
6 She could even see a thrush pecking out a scarlet yew berry , swallowing the scarlet flesh and spitting out the poisonous pip .
7 She could even see the faint heat pattern of the cat in the next room .
8 She could even see it in this thing , the pallor of it , the fine dust of jet black fur .
9 From her seat she could see the winding road that led up to the elegant gateway of Casa Madrid , and she could even see the sprinklers sending blessed water swirling over the melon and pineapple fields .
10 Because as she opened her eyes she could plainly see that there was nothing even remotely ghost-like about the tall , broad-shouldered figure of her husband , Ross Wyndham , now sitting on the seat beside her .
11 She blew until she could barely see the shape of the social worker 's head through the pink bubble .
12 She 'd turned her back on him then and stormed away , her back ramrod-straight , so angry she could barely see straight .
13 By the time the train moved off she could see nothing at all out of the window , she could scarcely see the window , so many people were squeezed between her and it .
14 It was pitch black ; she could scarcely see a hand in front of her .
15 Before Jos could knock at the door , it was opened by a tiny old woman bent at such an angle that she could not see them without straightening up , her head cocked to one enquiring side .
16 What a sharp , sneering face he had had , though she could not see it , as she had not seen it in the darkness of her dream .
17 She could not see how telling Cabochon would help .
18 He adored her for it and when Wilson chose to murmur against her interest , saying she could not see how it could be real , he was angry and said she was narrow and selfish , like most women .
19 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
20 She could not see .
21 As he was partly hidden by the foliage she could not see his face clearly — only that he was wearing a cap and carrying a suitcase .
22 The wind was behind her now , blowing her hair forward , so that she could not see properly unless she pushed it to one side .
23 She could not feel anything at all — the anaesthetic having done its job — and she could not see anything as her eyes were tightly closed .
24 The steam was so thick that she could not see through it and she thought she was alone in the room .
25 She regarded the wife of former Beirut hostage Jackie Mann as a ‘ dear friend' and was heartbroken she could not see her before she died of lung cancer on November 30 .
26 He was backed by Walton colleague Daphne Hall , who said she could not see how anyone could fail to support it , and felt it was better to have the Naze under a management scheme .
27 He crouched before her , his big shoulders against the light from the window so that she could not see his expression .
28 She could not see much of the room because of how he filled most of the doorway , but she saw the glow of the fire and a glimpse of a baize-covered table on which were papers .
29 As she commented angrily to friends later , she could not see why Charles needed these constant reminders of Camilla .
30 She could not see if the platform emptied because she could not see the platform .
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