Example sentences of "she have made of " in BNC.

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1 Lord , what a fool she 'd made of herself !
2 She put the violin back into its case , picked up the bundle she had made of her coat and thrust it under her arm as she hoisted up her suitcase .
3 ‘ I do n't seem to have a lot of choice , ’ Jenna admitted , looking ruefully at the mess she had made of her own clothes .
4 She gave Jenna a startled look and disappeared , and Jenna thought of the mess she had made of her things .
5 Even more , she had been quite ready to apologize for the public exhibition she had made of herself , and to ask his forgiveness .
6 She ran , ran from the memory of her own besottedness with this man , painfully aware what a fool she had made of herself before him , how she had opened her heart to him .
7 What a mess she had made of it , by her own confession !
8 But the terrible mess she had made of her life !
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