Example sentences of "she have first [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And the day , not long afterwards , when she 'd first heard someone call her father crazy .
2 That was when she 'd first decided to try to make up to her father for what he 'd lost .
3 Mr Gibbon had been an industrialist whose firm had employed the ad agency which Aunt Ilsa had worked for when she 'd first moved to London .
4 When she 'd first moved in she had n't cared about anything , certainly not her surroundings — they had been the least of her problems — and if the villagers had n't so kindly donated her furnishings she 'd probably still be existing in empty rooms .
5 You know when er the fir when we went up to Edith 's , when she 'd first moved in , for
6 The big library was where she 'd first met him .
7 And for the second time since she 'd first met him , he turned on his heel and left her , his blistering words still seeming to echo in the very air around her .
8 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
9 In here , he seemed younger than she 'd first assumed .
10 Even Benny had looked green when she 'd first seen it , and Benny had had time to get used to the idea .
11 But oh , he had set her heart to racing the instant she 'd first seen him .
12 Starting to panic , she turned her bag upside-down — and the situation was a great deal worse than she 'd first feared .
13 Somehow she doubted whether sharing with Sandra the fact that she already did regret the day she 'd first laid eyes on Matthew would be helpful to anyone .
14 When she 'd first qualified in forensic medicine he 'd been a young sergeant .
15 Such dreams were defeated by the means she 'd first thought would make it possible for her baby to be returned to her .
16 At the time she 'd put that pass down to a reflex action of a man who could n't let any opportunity pass him by , but now she was beginning to have doubts that he was as shallow as she 'd first thought .
17 ‘ I have a question , ’ whispered the penguin , feeling as small as the day she 'd first slid into the waves .
18 Very fat , stouter even than when she 'd first arrived , with a great soft moon face and little spectacles which looked lost .
19 Isabel looked up at him quickly , startled anew as she realised he was much younger than she 'd first supposed .
20 Finally she returned to the information desk where she 'd first encountered him the previous day , and found a pretty young woman sitting there stacking up guide books on Dublin .
21 She went in the opposite direction from the rock drawings , her planned destination when she had first conceived her scheme .
22 She began to feel young and amazingly pretty , like she had felt all those years ago when she had first emerged from the chrysalis of self-conscious adolescence to spread her butterfly wings .
23 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
24 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
25 The play in which she had first appeared was still running ; its clumsy comedy appealed to the audiences who came here .
26 But these were crude , ill-formed creatures compared to those she had first made .
27 It was on a similar mission seven months earlier that she had first met Darren .
28 Here she had first met Ion Manescu who had taken her under his wing — she was an invaluable conduit as to what was going on in Moscow and sympathetic to the Romanian régime .
29 Once , in a very bad patch , Jasper had been like that for weeks , over a month , and she had lived in terror for the knock of the police at the door , and news about Jasper she had been dreading since she had first met him .
30 This was what she had been waiting for since she had first met him though she had never admitted it to herself until now .
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