Example sentences of "she be look at " in BNC.

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1 Her expression was one of utter distaste , as though she were looking at something a dog had done in the middle of the floor .
2 The hours spent beneath the apple tree assumed a distorted quality as though she were looking at them through an unfocused lens .
3 She 's stopped outside and she 's looking at it .
4 I think Moira 's a very shrewd operator when she 's looking at paintings , and I find it very useful indeed .
5 Or rather she 's looking at the screen and that 's what happens to be on .
6 Well she 's looking at it .
7 she 's looking at Charlotte
8 Alright , what about Jane cos she 's looking at us ?
9 So Barbara , meself and a couple of the kids came along , , a couple of the kids were in on this , backing away sort of thing , and of course she went on this used car lot , and she 's looking at these Volkswagens , and John was doing his bit , I believe you like Polos .
10 She 's going she 's looking at you and you go , come here , you take a step further and she gives you a dirty look and then she waits until you 're that close and then she jumps !
11 She 's looking at your face .
12 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
13 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
14 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
15 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
16 She is looking at me !
17 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
18 I 've never even managed to get through a job interview , even if it 's a woman doing the interviewing ; I just have this feeling that she is looking at me and judging me for all the wrong reasons .
19 I think she is looking at what can be done in the school .
20 Over his shoulder she was looking at the derelict house .
21 She was looking at him questioningly but he could see she had caught his drift .
22 She was looking at Lee .
23 She was looking at him the way his other nanny looked at her budgie .
24 I bought the dress she was looking at and chatted to her about it .
25 During the few moments in which she paused in her ascent to the church she reflected that now she was looking at the view the other way round ; now she was in one of the overcrowded little alleys visible from San Martino as merely a crack in a vast expanse of roof tiles and crumbling masonry and noticeable from that lofty vantage point because of the fluttering of the washing hung out on poles over the street to dry .
26 She was looking at herself in the full-length mirror by the side of the bed , pulling great lumps out of her stomach and grimacing at her own image .
27 I was still nursing my Freddieland injuries , and the way she was looking at me with her unflinching gaze gave me a queasy feeling I 'd only narrowly avoided providing lunch .
28 Oh , dear me ! ’ — she was looking at the casserole dish — ‘ stewed mutton and dumplings .
29 She was looking at the gentleman , and he was looking at her now and as he inclined his head he said , ‘ Thank you for your service . ’
30 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
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