Example sentences of "she be [adj] it " in BNC.

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1 She says she 's sorry it 's predictable and stereotyped .
2 If she 's busy it really does n't matter . ’
3 yeah because the person er who 's job it is to deal with the sulks for want of a better phrase there is not is preferring not to tackle the issue because as far as she 's concerned it 's not affecting the efficiency of the office , that 's what I 'm trying to say and it 's not , in fact it 's added to the efficiency of the office if anything .
4 You might wonder how pharmacists decipher a doctor 's scrawl but do n't worry that you 'll get the wrong drugs — a pharmacist will never dispense a prescription unless he or she is sure it is correct and will often ring the doctor .
5 When she was confident it was safe to do so , Rosheen pulled up her head .
6 Weather or no weather , if she was awake it must be time to get up .
7 She was disappointed it was not the one who had kicked in the door .
8 If she was nervous it remained hidden and in a few minutes she had put each of the sisters completely at ease , their shame and apprehension gone .
9 The man , and she was convinced it was a man now , tried a rugby tackle in the dark .
10 But no , she was sure it was Queen Victoria , personally , who had spread this grey fog over Britain from which we 've never recovered .
11 She was sure it was divine .
12 She was sure it would get Edouard and his wife into trouble , and she kept saying it was only for another day or two . ’
13 Nenna knew that , but she was sure it could n't have been Edward 's fault , and at the moment she could n't be bothered with it .
14 It had been a difficult decision , but she was sure it had been the right one .
15 Now , in his early thirties , he was surrounded by an aura of such vital confidence that she was sure it attracted a positive response from anyone within his orbit .
16 Mrs McMahon offered inadequate comfort and made bad worse by saying she was sure it looked lovely and not to be so silly .
17 Miranda ID 'd both of them , she was sure it was one of them , but not sure which .
18 And she was sure it was visible from the outside .
19 When she had become a teenager however , she had more time alone , and when she was alone it was so much harder to remember .
20 I had n't noticed this picture much while she was alive , but now she was dead it seemed as if her eyes sparkled with the same vitality that they had appeared to possess when I had seen her lying cold on her straw mattress a few days earlier .
21 I think she well and the house was certainly getting on her nerves but whether it was because she was ill it was getting on her nerves I do n't know .
22 By the time she was ready it was almost ten o'clock .
23 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
24 How could she , Melanie , have ever guessed that her uncle would be a monster with a voice so loud she was afraid it would bring the roof down and bury them all ?
25 She said she had held the document back for so long because she was afraid it would re-open old wounds for my mother and because she felt sure it was better for us not to know what it contained . ’
26 She confirmed what you had told me about Edouard being beaten up and said she was afraid it was all because of her .
27 She said to tell you she was glad it worked all right , and not to worry about paying her back until you were quite better .
28 She was glad it was dark , and he could n't see it .
29 Leith went to her office on Monday , having spent more of the weekend working on facts and figures , yet finding she was glad it was Monday morning .
30 She was glad it was to be a businesslike parting .
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