Example sentences of "she [modal v] never be " in BNC.

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1 Coupled with her hope that the war may end in a stalemate goes the hope that she may never be obliged to become a belligerent nation .
2 But sadly , she may never be able to prove what killed the people buried in the mass graves .
3 Doctors say she may never be able to walk or talk , and there 's no cure for her blindness .
4 She has only one of her sons staying at home in South Ronaldsay and is concerned that she may never be allowed to care for the others .
5 In this event , she should never be nagged or criticised .
6 He wrote to Fisher that while she might never be strong , her health did not depend upon locality .
7 She 'll never be a match for those two old women .
8 She 'll have Louise on her back for the rest of her life , and she 'll never be able to manage her .
10 This was followed by the voice of another woman : ‘ Even if she survives , she 'll never be right . ’
11 She does n't cry in front of Robert any more , she still tells him lies about what things cost so that she can save some money and make sure she 'll never be dependent on him again .
12 " She 'll never be raised again , " and Maurice suggested that Willis would be much better off if he did n't have to look at the wreck of Dreadnought at every low tide .
13 But she 'll never be very strong . ’
14 She 'll never be able to play the piano —
15 She 'll never be able
16 As she watched her daughter run before her down the stairs , she thought , As long as he lives or until she escapes she 'll never be free to do what she likes .
17 But she 'll never be happy until her two young sons are there aswell .
18 After two years her owner felt that she had run out of options : Anna was a horse without a future : she could never be a riding horse , nor would she ever breed .
19 And she could never be sure he would n't turn the gas on and forget to light it .
20 She could never be just pretty ; she was , well , rather vivacious in a subdued sort of way . ’
21 Although a recovering alcoholic and noted for temper tantrums , she could never be accused of being bland .
22 She could never be half as pretty .
23 She could never be as good as our mother neither , ’ Dermot growled , his eyes blazing with hate for his sister .
24 Ruth began to relax ; she could never be certain of him , but his violent mood seemed over now .
25 ‘ You both have that golden skin , but yours makes one think of lovely geometrical planes , you 're all bone , she 's got bone too , but what one sees most is contour and colour — no , you are not remotely the same type , she could never be painted by a Modigliani or a Loulou , or a Piero for that matter , she is something between a Titian and a Gainsborough . ’
26 She would have liked to dissolve into him and become part of him , so that she could never be subject to his indifference , or even be looked at by him in any objective way .
27 Although the village people had almost forgotten her trouble , she decided she could never be really happy in Marlott .
28 Not that he had minded in the least , for if he had a daughter as rich as Gemma and a fellow like Tristan Gage were to come along he 'd take all the necessary steps himself to see that she could never be cheated .
29 And with a grey sense of certainty she knew she could never be that sure ever again .
30 For here , thrust on her out of the darkness of her past , lay the reason she could never be his .
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