Example sentences of "she [be] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surely the taxi-ride would never end and she be out in the fresh air .
2 her in , her the launderette were asking me er she was , she were on about I , ai n't you got a job yet ?
3 Well he must have it cos she were on about it yesterday were n't she ?
4 I know he w she were on about a room were n't she ?
5 She were on about Graham , she 's seen him loads of times this week .
6 Anyway I were , I were talking to that lady and er she were on about you , and she says about putting your name
7 ‘ One minute she were up by the carriage , the next she were down on her back like a tumbled ewe . ’
8 The picture he had painted was so vivid that once again she felt as if she were about to be sick .
9 How she wishes she were back in her snug little house , tapping away on her word-processor , dissecting the lexemes of some classic Victorian novel , delicately detaching the hermeneutic code from the proairetic code , the cultural from the symbolic , surrounded by books and files , the gas fire hissing and a cup of coffee steaming at her elbow .
10 She felt as if she were back in a milieu which she understood , that she had an indefinable rapport with this tall , shaggy , rather solitary figure , dressed in jeans and an open-necked shirt and , as she had just observed , running-shoes .
11 For one aching , unguarded moment she wished she were back in his arms , nestled against his hard body .
12 Fabia stirred , awakened in her hotel bedroom that Monday and , as memory awakened with her , she abruptly closed her lovely green eyes and wished for a moment that she were back in England .
13 I think mam said she were in on Tuesday
14 Such was the speculation that Hurd and Major — Thatcher 's two nominators for the contest — were obliged to issue a joint statement insisting that they would not stand against Mrs Thatcher in a second ballot , but this all too clearly left open the possibility that they would stand if she were out of the contest .
15 ‘ One minute she were up by the carriage , the next she were down on her back like a tumbled ewe . ’
16 In fact , she 's over at the Yard now chattin' up some foreman or other she 's got eatin' out of her hand .
17 Yeah Emily was trying it on again this morning , I think it 's just that she gets tired cos she feels slothlike in the morning and then by the end of the day she 's over like a rocket
18 ‘ She 's married to one of Duran Duran , ’ she tells André , ‘ so you know she 's up on thinking about me — hoping , wishing , praying , for me to justify her love .
19 Wherever she appears , she 's up to no good . ’
20 I mean , he thought , I know what she 's up to , all right .
21 I 'll go and see what she 's up to , she told Victorine : do n't worry , I 'll find her .
22 ‘ I do n't know what Sarah thinks she 's up to . ’
23 ‘ I think she 's up to something , ’ he said .
24 I mean , why did n't she tell me the truth , I can understand you know , I could , you know , I could perha if she 'd just tell me the truth you know tell me why she 's u , what she 's up to and that .
25 She wo n't be able to come because she 's up to her eyes
26 you know , the way she does n't like it then she 's up in arms
27 in Rochet , now she 's up in Pentrybrogan , and that 's when the accident happened
28 Oh she 's , so she 's up in Sheffield ?
29 Trisha has won an Oxford in Bloom prize every year since 1985 … this year she 's up against her neighbour in the all-winners category .
30 Some indication of what she 's up against ?
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