Example sentences of "she [verb] be use " in BNC.

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1 A TEACHER who quit a North-East City Technology College is outraged that she has been used in election literature by one of the CTC 's biggest supporters .
2 She 'd been using these for years , ever since a practical demonstration by an art-school technician fired her to experiment with felting techniques .
3 I felt that her character had been revealed and , what was more , that she 'd been using me .
4 Pulling a little face , she carefully folded the tea-towel she 'd been using and laid it on the work surface .
5 She was still wearing her apron which , evidently , she had been using to wipe away her tears ; as a result there were grease marks all over her face , giving her the appearance of a participant in a minstrel show .
6 I asked what she had been knitting in Pattern A before and she recalled that she had been using a pattern where she had used the ‘ enlarge ’ and had asked it to start on R8 .
7 She tugged at the sides of the hammock and hooked her head forward as she whispered to Ariel , who was standing away from her , the moss she had been using dripping water on to the dust .
8 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
9 Sarah put the trowel she had been using carefully into her garden basket and removed her garden gloves .
10 She sat up and rubbed her eyes , colouring furiously as she realised she had been using Roman 's shoulder for a head-rest .
11 On the landing , she led the way to the small room she had been using as her office .
12 It all went to show how far away she had grown from the life she had been used to lead ; and the marriage , of course , explained Papa 's sudden permission for her own .
13 Jaq felt extremely irked to be manoeuvred thus — in addition to the fury he felt on Meh'Lindi 's behalf because of the way she had been used .
14 What she had been used to see every month , postponed she had thought by the excitement , the travel .
15 A community leader had to be removed from the area under police escort when it was alleged that she had been used as a police informer .
16 She had been used — cold-bloodedly , callously used .
17 She said you were using me just as she had been used .
18 She 's been using Gloucestershire 's libraries for ninety three years .
19 It 's just what she 's been used to in n it ?
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